About us: history, genealogy, Americana Catalog



 Utah history and genealogy

We currently own, but have not yet scheduled for publication the following:

Utah and the Nation, by Leland Hargrave Greer.  (1929) (275 pages, including index)

This volume, number 7 in the University of Washington Publications in the Social Sciences, is not the school textbook the title suggests that it might be.  The preface's opening sentence describes its scope "This monograph is a study of the relations between the federal government and the people of Utah during the period 1846 - 1861, commencing with the call of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican war and ending with the establishment of the first daily overland mail at the outbreak of the Civil War."  It is indeed a scholarly work, and, if the title did not so clearly suggest that it is a junior high school textbook, we would be inclined to raise its publication priority.  What do YOU think?


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