James Eldridge Quinlan published his History of Sullivan
County in 1873. Despite its style -- very typical of the times --
and the fact that original copies are very rare, it has retained its
position as "the" authoritative history book about Sullivan
The Fallsburg Printing Company reprinted Quinlan in 1965, sold out quickly, reprinted again in 1966, and again sold out. In 1975 they printed a Bicentennial Edition of 1005 copies. Even this last batch of reprints is achieving the status of scarcity today. At some point in the future, Between the Lakes Group will probably republish the full Quinlan, all 700++ pages, and undertake to re-index it (the original volume was not indexed). For now, here is a complete index of the Neversink chapter. Page numbers refer to the pages in the extract, not to the pages in the original volume. This extracted Neversink chapter is included, with the index, on the "Old Neversink" CD-ROM. |
Extract from Quinlan’s History of Sullivan County
[NOTE: page numbers refer to page numbers in the extract, not to the original pagination in Quinlan]
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Abolitionism, 33
African, 24
Albany, 21
Aldrich, Anthony, 7
Aldrich, Robert, 11
Alley, William, 23
Ancient settlements, 4
Andre, Major, 12
Andrews, Samuel, 35
Andrews, Samuel, Private, 25
Andrews, Stephen, 35
Anti-Rent Association of Neversink, 29
Anti-rent excitement, subsiding of, 31
Army, 15, 22
Army, British, 15
Arnold, Benedict, 12
Assembly, Member of, 11, 21, 22
Assessed valuation, 4
Avery, Amos, Private, 25
Baldwin, David A., 28
Baldwin, David A., Private, 25
Baptist, 11
Baptist Society, 32
Baptists, 32
Barkley family, 27
Barkley, Amy, 27
Barkley, Anna, 27
Barkley, Herman, 27
Barnart, James E., 34
Battle of New Orleans, 21
Bears, 23
Beebe, G. M., 1
Beekman Patent, 4
Beekman, Henry, Col., 4
Beerkill, Good, 4
Benham, Bonomi, 11
Benson, Harrison, 7
Benson, Neal, 29, 35
Benson, Neil, 6, 7
Benson, Paul, 7
Betts, William R. S., 34
Bevier, Widow, 9
Bivins, John, Private, 25
Blacksmith, 26
Bloominggrove, 15
Blue Hills, 4
Blue Mountains, 30
Bolton's History of Westchester County, 14
Booth, Captain, 24
Booth, Phineas, 24, 25
Booth, Phineas, Captain, 24
Booth, Phineas, purchase from slavery, 25
Boston, MA, 5
Bouck, _____, 10
Bouck, Silas, 9
Brandt, Colonel, 6
Brehany, ______, 31
Brehany, Augustus, 31
Brehany, Peter, 31
Brehany, Thomas, 31
British, 14
British Army, 15
Brodhead Road, 10, 25
Brown Settlement, 34
Brown, Alexander, 25
Brown, Alexander, Lieutenant, 25
Brundage, William L., 34
Brush, John, Major, 15
Burglary, 15
Burgoyne, 22
Burial, manner of, 11
Burr, H. place, 26
Burt, Patrick, 34
Bushnell, Gideon E, Colonel, 32
Butler, Colonel, 16
Caldwell, _____, 9, 10
Callicoon, 3
Canada, 8, 9
Canfield, David, Private, 25
Cantine, _____, 10
Cantine, Colonel, 9
Cargill, Abraham, 11
Carlile, Joseph, 11
Carlisle, Joseph, 23
Carousing, 14
Case, Calvin, 34
Caton, William, 11
Census, first, 3
Chambers, Cornelius, 4
Chenango Point, 28
Chestnut Brook, 6
Chestnut Woods, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
Chicago, IL, 32
Children, first, born in region, 22
Childs, B. G., 26
Childs, George B., 31, 35
Childs, Richard D., 22, 26, 28, 35
Childs, Richard D., Postmaster, 28
Cholera, 34
Church-society, first, claim to be, 32
Circuit Court, 30
Civil War, 33
Clark, Henry, 33
Clark, John, 16
Clark, Nathan C., 35
Claryville, 11, 12, 13, 14, 32, 34
Claryville, source of name of, 12
Clearwater, Abraham, 4
Clinton, Governor, 15
Clove, The, 8
Cob, 23
Cochrane, John, 31
Colchester, Delaware County, 26
Cole, William, 16
College graduation not seen as needed for foreign service, 22
Colleges, 21
Collins, Henry, 11
Connecticut, 15
Connor, Joseph, Private, 25
Cook House, the, 28
Cordwainer, 7
Corgill place, 23
Corgill, Abraham, 23
Corgill, James, 23
Corgill, John, 23
Cornwallis, 22
Coroner, 31
Couch, Samuel, Private, 25
Councilor, Second, 34
Counsel for defendants, 30
County jail, 31
Court of Appeals, 30
Cradle of Liberty, 5
Cunningham, _____, 31
Cunningham, William, 31
Curry, Clarissa, 12
Curry, James V., 12
Curry, Stephen, 12
Curry, William, 27
Curtis, David, 26
Dan, James, 11
Darrow, Christopher, 11, 23
Davenport, _____, 7
Davenport, Jacobus, 6
Dean, John D., 33
Deer, 12
Delaware County, 3, 26, 27
Delaware River, 9, 10, 28
Denman, William, 11, 24
Denman's Hill, 2
Denning, 3
Depuy, Josiah, 21
DePuy, Moses, 4
Desbrosses, Elias, 5
Desbrosses, Elizabeth, 5
Desbrosses, James, 5
Desbrosses, Madaline, 5
Desbrosses, owners of Great Lot 5, 11
Deseret, Legislature of, 34
Devil, offspring of the, 34
DeWitt, Richard C., 12
Divine family, 11
Divine, Eleazer, 11
Divine, Hetty, 33
Divine, Nathaniel, 11
Divinity, profession of, 23
Doctress, 26
Dolan, _____, 31
Donaldson, Peter, 11
Downs, Abel, 26
Drake family, 23, 25
Drake, Charlotte, 22
Drake, Henry, 22
Drake, Jane, 22
Drake, Jeremiah, 11, 14, 21, 22
Drake, John, 14
Drake, Luther, Private, 25
Drake, Martha, 22
Drake, Nancy, 22
Drake, Peter, 22
Drake, Phebe, 22
Drake, Phebe, Mrs., 17
Drake, Polly, 22
Dry goods, 26
Dumond, L., 26
Dutchess County, 32
Eager, _____, 20
Eager's History of Orange County, 2, 15
Earl, _____, 33
East Chester, Town of, 14
Eaton, Clark, 35
Ellis, Joseph, 8
Ellison, James, Private, 25
Elmendorf, Lucas, 21, 28
Elmendorf, Mary, 4
England, emigration from, 24
Enlistment, 15
Episcopal Church, 13
Esopus Dutch, as a language, 9
Everett, Higby, 35
Evil spirits, 13
Fallsburgh, 2, 3, 4, 21
Fallsburgh Post Office, 28
Faneuil Hall, 5
Faneuil, Peter, 5
Faneuil, the patentee, 5
Fantinekill, 9
Farmer, 15
Farmers, Irish, 34
Fee simple, 25
Fee-simple, 30
Feudal requirements of landlords, 10
First children born in region, 22
First church in Neversink, 32
First Great Southwestern Turnpike Company, 28
Fitzgerald, Robert, 31
Fluelling, James, 16
Forest sports, 12
Fowler, Henry, 14
Fowler, Miss _____, 14
Fox and Penn, dogmas of, 14
Fox family, 13
Franklin, Benjamin, 22
Frazer, Robert, Private, 25
Freeholders of Rochester, 4
Freeman, 24
Fremont, 3
Friends, 22
Friends' meeting-house, 33
Friends, Society of, 13
Funerals, 12
Furman, Nowell, 11
Gale, Jeremiah, Captain, 25
Garrot, _____, 32
Garrot, George, 31
General Term, 30
General Term of the Supreme Court, 30
Gentleman, rank of, 23
Gilbert, _____, Rev., 11
Gilbert, Elmer, 11, 23
Gilbert, Nathaniel J., 32
Gillett family, 25
Gillett, _____, 24, 26, 34
Gillett, Ezekiel, 21
Gillett, Horace, 34
Gillett, Josephus, 7
Gillett, Seth, 11, 26
Gillett, Zopher, 22
Goldsmith, Josiah, 11
Good Beerkill, 4
Goodrich, Doctor, 26
Gorton, William, Junior, 35
Goshen, 15
Graham, 9
Graham, commander at Chestnut Woods, 7
Graham, Jno., 8
Graham, John, 6, 7
Graham, John, Lieutenant, 8
Graham, Lieutenant, 9
Grahamsville, 4, 10, 24, 25, 27, 32, 33, 34
Grahamsville, Reformed Church of, 33
Grant family, 11, 25
Grant, Amos Y., 35
Grant, Gordon C., 35
Grant, Isaac, 35
Grant, Jedediah M., 34
Grant, Joshua, 34
Grant, Rebecca, 33
Great Britain, King of, 15
Great Lot 2, 3
Great Lot 3, 3, 10
Great Lot 4, 3, 29, 31
Great Lot 5, 2, 3, 5, 11
Great Lot 6, 3
Great Lots 2 and 3, 3, 29
Great Lots 4 and 5, 10, 29
Great Lots 5 and 6, 3, 5
Great Patent, 4, 5
Great Windfall, the, 23, 26, 27
Gregory, Jonas, Private, 25
Gregory, Thomas B., 34
Griffen, Zebulon, Private, 25
Griffin, Ephraim, 21
Grist mill, 12
Groo, _____, 34
Groo, Isaac, 34
Groo, Samuel, 11, 23
H. Burr place, 26
Hall family, 11, 22, 23
Hall, _____, 22
Hall, Alvah, 22
Hall, Isaiah, 11, 12
Hall, John, 11, 12, 35
Hall, John, Junior, 11, 35
Hall, John, Junior, Corporal, 25
Hall, Levi, 32
Hall, Mott, 11
Hall, Nancy, 33
Hall, Peter C., 12
Hall, Phebe, 20
Hall, Sally, 22
Hammond, John W., 34
Hardenbergh Patent, 3, 29, 30
Hardenbergh proprietors, 29
Hardenbergh, Captain, 9, 10
Hardenbergh, Herman M., 35
Hasbrouck, 25
Hasbrouck, Elias, Captain, 7, 8
Hasbrouck, John W., 8, 11
Hawley, _____, 26
Hawley, Avis, 25
Hawley, Salmon, 25
Hawley, Solomon, 11
Henley, John, 16
Highland, Town of, 9
Highlands of Neversink, 2
Hine, _____, 10
Hine, Philip, 9
History of Westchester County, Bolton's, 14
Hodge, Abel, 11
Hodge, Asa, 35
Hodge, John, 34
Hogeboom, Henry, 30
Homan, Benjamin, Private, 25
Honk Hill, 5
Honsee, John, 11
Hornbeck, _____, 14
Hornbeck, Cornelius, 13
Hornbeck, Eliza, 4
Hornbeck, Mrs. _____, 14
Hornbeck, settlement of, 5
Hornbeck, Tobias, 4
Hudson River, 28
Hunt v. Johnson and Teller, 2
Hunt, William, 29
Hunt, William H., 30
Hunt, William, wife of, 29
Hunter, John, 5
Hunter, John, Jr., 5
Impoverishment of workers, 10
Indian, 24
Indian outrages, 24
Indiana trail, 10
Indians, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16
Irish farmers, 34
Irishman, 34
Iron works, 16
Jackson, General, 21
Jail, County, 31
Johnson and Teller, as defendants, 29
Johnson, James, 29
Johnson, John, 35
Jones, David A., 34
Jones, Jonathan, 11
June, _____, 16
Justice of the Peace, 11, 25, 31
Kane, Patrick, 31
Keily, Benjamin, 16
Keley, Benjamin, 17
Kelley, _____, 20, 21
Kellogg, Eliza, 11
Kelly, Benjamin, 16
Kettle, _____, 9
Kiersted, John, 2
King of Great Britain, 15
Kingston, 10, 21, 28
Kingston as nearest Post Office, 27
Kinne, Elijah, Private, 25
Kinshimer, Christian, Private, 25
Klyne, Jacob, 4
Klyne, settlement of, 5
Kortrite, Benjamin, Captain, 5
Kortrite, Captain, 9
Lackawack, 25, 27
Lackawack, Valley of the, 10
Lament, Wilber, 35
Land leases from Desbrosses, 11
Landlord, 10
Landlord's agents as pests, 23
Landlords, pretensions of, 29
Larrabee, Eleazer, 11, 24, 33
Latter Day Saints, 34
Law, profession of, 23
Lawsuit, 29
Learned professions, 23
Leasehold system, 2
Leases, 10
Leasing of Neversink farms to tenants, 29
Legislature of Deseret, 34
Legislature, Act of the, 28
Lenape tongue, 2
Leroy, Abraham, 14
Leroy, Francis A., Private, 25
Liberty, 2, 3, 4, 25, 28, 33
Liberty Church, 32
Liberty, NY, 1
Liberty, Town of, 3, 30
Liberty, Village of, 23
Litchfield County, CT, 22
Little Britain, 7
Livingston tenants, 29
Livingston title, 29
Livingston, _____, 25
Livingston, Robert L., 29, 31
Livingston, Robert R., 5
Loch Sheldrake, 25
Lockwood, Thomas S., Postmaster, 28
Lord, George W., 30
Lot 47, 30
Lot 47 in Great Lot 4, 29
Low, Benjamin, Private, 25
Low, Henry R., 5
Low, John A., 22
Low, Zachariah, 22
Low's Corners, 32
Lucas Turnpike, 28
Ludington & Wilkin, 30
Ludington, C. V. R., attorney, 29
Ludlum, Gabriel W., Postmaster, 28
Lumbering, 12
Lumberland, 3
Mail route, 28
Mamakating, 3, 7, 8, 30
Mansfield, CT, 22
Marbletown, 3
Marlborough, 11
Mayor, 34
McCormick, John, 31
Medicine, practice of, 22
Medicine, profession of, 23
Medicine, study of, 22
Member of Assembly, 21, 22
Merchant, 26
Merritt, Wilson, 33
Methodist, 11
Methodist Episcopal Church, 32, 33
Methodists, 32
Middle District, 22
Middletown, 8
Militia, 5, 7
Mill at Grahamsville, 25
Mill in Wawarsing, 25
Miller, _____, 5, 16
Miller, humane, 26
Miller, Leonard P., 5
Minute Men, 15
Missionary, 34
Mitchell, Lee, Corporal, 25
Monroe, 16
Monroe, Village of, 15
Montgomery, General, 8
Montgomery, Town of, 7
Monticello, 28, 30
Moore, Andrew, 23
Moore, Benjamin, 23
Moore, Comfort, 23
Moore, Joseph L., 35
Moore, Seaman, 23
Moore, William A., 11, 23
Moore, William W., 23, 35
Moose, 12
Morgans, W. T., 1
Mormonism, 34
Mormons, 34
Morristown, 8
Mulatto, 24
Mullen, John, 4
Murder of William Cunningham, 31
Mutton Hill, 2, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 26
Naewersink, 2
Napanoch, 5
Narratives of Massacres, etc. on the frontier in Wawarsing, 10
Narvasing, 2
Nauvoo, 31
Nauvoo neighborhood, 34
Negro, 24
Never Sink, 2
Neversink, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34
Neversink Flats, 10, 21, 26
Neversink Post Office, 28
Neversink River, 2, 12
Neversink Society (Baptist), 32
Neversink, establishment as a town, 3
Neversink, first church in, 32
Neversink, History of, 29
Neversink, pretended translations of, 2
Neversink, Town of, 2, 4, 5, 17, 21, 35
Nevisinck, 2
Nevisink, 2
New Jersey, 2, 20
New Orleans, Battle of, 21
New School Baptists, 32
New Windsor, 8
New York, northern, 8
Newburgh, 28
Newkirk, John, Captain, 7
Niagara, 9, 10
Nichols, ______, Rev., 32
Nichols, Robert, 11
Niven, A. C., 30
Niven, Archibald C., attorney, 29
Norton, Edward, 31
Norton, Thomas, 31
Ogdensburgh Railroad, 12
Old School Baptists, 32
Oquaga, 28
Orange County, 7, 15
Origin of the name, 2
Osterhout, Johannes, Jr., 4
Overing, Henry, 5
Overton, David, 22
Owls as source of supposed Indian raid, 24
Palen, Arthur, 35
Palmer, Silas B., 11, 23
Papacton, 7
Papacton Creek, 6
Parks, _____, 22
Parks, Arthur, 22
Parks, Elijah, 22
Parks, William, 11, 22, 35
Parksville, 31
Patent, Great, 4, 5
Patriots, 15
Peconisink, 7
Peekskill, 14
Pierce, Daniel, 35
Pierce, John, 35
Pierce, Joseph, 11, 23
Pine Bush, 5
Plaintiff, counsel for, 30
Pleasant Valley Church of Dutchess County, 32
Polygamy, 34
Poor people, 10
Population, 4
Porter daughters, 25
Porter Road, 25
Porter, Avis, 25
Porter, F. A., 35
Porter, Francis, 25
Porter, Francis, Jr., 25
Porter, Gideon, 25
Porter, Jedediah, 25, 35
Porter, Leonard, 25, 33
Porter, Phineas, 11
Post Office, 27
Post Office in Neversink, first, 28
Postal Service, extension of, 27
Postmaster, 28
Postmaster General, 28
Pot-baking, 15
Potter, 15
Practice of medicine, 22
Presbyterian, 32
Protestant Episcopal Church, 13
Quaker clothes, 20
Quaker creed, 22
Quaker meeting-house, 33
Quaker sense of duty, 20
Quaker, fighting, 14
Quakers, 13
Quarterly Meeting, 33
Quarter-sales, 10
Queen Anne, 4
Quick, Robert, 11
Quinlan, James Eldridge, 1
Quit-claim, 29
Railroad, 25
Railroad, Ogdensburgh, 12
Ramapo, 8
Ranger, 8
Rangers, 7, 8Ray, Robert, Private, 25
Real estate tax to support turnpike, 28
Reed place, 26
Reed, Ebenezer, 26
Reformed Church, 12
Reformed Church of Grahamsville, 33
Reformed Church of Upper Neversink, 34
Reformed Dutch Church, 13
Regent of the University of Deseret, 34
Religious services, 11
Rents, 10
Revolutionary Army, 22
Revolutionary War, 5, 10, 12, 14
Reynolds family, 23, 25
Reynolds, _____, 18, 19, 20, 21
Reynolds, Andrew, 31
Reynolds, Benjamin, 21
Reynolds, Caleb, 21
Reynolds, Catharine, 21
Reynolds, Daniel, 21, 33
Reynolds, Elizabeth, 21
Reynolds, Henry, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 35
Reynolds, Hophni, 21
Reynolds, Jane, 21
Reynolds, Jeremiah, 21
Reynolds, Jesse, 21
Reynolds, Martha, 21
Reynolds, Mrs., 17
Reynolds, Phebe, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Reynolds, Polly, 21, 23
Reynolds, Reuben, 21
Ridgely, Commodore, 29
Ridgely, Elizabeth A., 29
Riding accident as cause of death, 25
Road, 10
Robbery, 15
Robbin, Phillip, 17
Robertson, Bradley, Private, 25
Roblin, _____, 21
Rochester, 3, 5, 7, 8, 26, 28, 29, 30
Rochester Patent, 29
Rochester, City of, 13
Rochester, Freeholders of, 29
Rochester, Town of, 29
Rochester, Trustees of, 4
Rockland, 2, 3, 10, 26
Rockland, Town of, 3
Rogger, Peter, 8
Roman Catholic, 34
Rondout, 4
Roper, James, 31
Ross, James, 21
Roudout, 2
Round Pond, 12
Round school house, 33
Rum, 26, 31
Runnels, Mr. _____, 16
Sacket, Nathan S., Private, 25
Sailor, 24
Saints, 34
Salt Lake, 34
Salt Lake City, 34
Sand Hills, 30
Sanford, Hiram, Private, 25
Sauthier's map, 2
School house, 7
School teacher, 11
Schoolhouse, round, 33
Schoonmaker, Joachim, 4
Schuyler, General, 8
Sears, Elnathan, 22
Seeley, Oliver, Private, 25
Senacas, 6
Senator, 22
Session Laws of 1796, 2
Settlement deed, 2
Settlement, ancient, 4
Shawangunk, 6, 7
Shawangunk Mountains, 3
Shawangunk, Town of, 3
Sheeley, Conrad, 11
Sheeley, Cornelius H., 33
Sheep, 23
Sheriff, 31
Sherwood, Samuel, 30
Shoemaker, 8, 25
Shurker, _____, 5
Slave ship, 24
Slave, marrying, 24
Slavery, opposition to, 33
Smith, Claudius, 15, 16, 17
Smith, James, 16
Smith, Jerry, 11
Smith, Richard, 16
Smith, William, 15
Smith's Clove, 14
Society of Friends, 13
Socks, Michael, 9
Special Term, 30
Spencer, John C., 30
Spirit-rappers, 14
Spiritualism, 13
Sprague, Abel, Private, 25
St. John, Eliza, Miss, 32
Stony Point, 15
Store, contents of, 26
Store, nearest, 26
Storm, track of, 27
Stratton, Jonathan, Postmaster, 28
Stratton, Uriah, Private, 25
Strong, Nathaniel, Major, 15
Suicide, 32
Suicide of Anna Barkley, 27
Sullivan County, 1, 17, 22
Sullivan County Quakers, 33
Sullivan, General, 6
Superstitions, 13
Supervisor, 21
Supervisors of the Town of Neversink, 35
Supreme Court, 29, 30
Swine, 23
Tabor, A., 30
Tannery, 12, 26
Tarrytown, 12
Tavern, 14
Tea, 26
Teller, David H., 29
Tenants, 10
Tenures, objectionable, 10
The Clove, 8
Thompson, Town of, 3
Thompsonville Post Office, 28
Thorn, Zephaniah, 21
Throgg's Neck, 14
Thunder Hill, 2, 23, 24, 25, 33
Ticonderoga, 8
Tithes, 10
Tobacco, 26
Tories, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
Tory, 15
Town Clerk, 21
Town of East Chester, 14
Town of Highland, 9
Town of Liberty, 30
Town of Montgomery, 7
Town of Neversink, 2, 17, 21, 35
Trammel-pole, 18
Tremain, Lyman, 30
Trespass suit, 29
Trout, 12
Trustees of Rochester, 4
Turner, William E., 34
Turnpike, abandonment of project, 28
Turnpike, projected, 28
Tusten, 9
Tuthill, Selah, 21
Tuttle, Selleck, 11
Ulster County, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 21, 22
Ulster frontier, 8
University of Deseret, Regent of, 34
Upper Neversink, 11, 34
Utah, 34
Vail, Anna, 12
Van Akin, Levi, 13
Van Akin, Mrs. _____, 13
Van de Mark, _____, 11
VanBenschoten, John, 22
VanCamp Patent, 6
VanCampen, Abraham, 6
VanCampen, Moses, Major, 6
Vanderlyn, Doctor, 10
Vernooey Creek, 5
Vernooey, _____, kindness of, 26
Vernooey, Peter, 4, 25
Vernooey's mill, 12
Village of Liberty, 23
Village of Monroe, 15
Villein soccage, 10
Voorhes, John, Private, 25
W. T. Morgans & Co., 1
Waldo, Roger, Doctor, 22
Wales, Blake, 22
Wales, Blake, Doctor, 11, 17, 21, 22, 26, 33
Wales, Doctor, 23
Wales, Nathaniel, 3rd., 22
Walnut Mountain, 2
War of 1812, 25
Washington, George, 22
Washington's Army, 16, 17
Washington's Headquarters, 12
Watson, Malbone, Justice, 29
Wawarsing, 9, 10, 12, 25, 28
Wawarsing Road, 25
Wawarsing, Town of, 3
Wayne, Anthony, General, 15
Webster's American Dictionary, 2
Wedding coat, 16
Wells, John, 33
West Point, 8
Westbrook, T. R., 30
Westchester County, 14
Westchester County, Bolton's History of, 14
Wheaton, Miles, 34
Wheeler, David, Doctor, 21
Whig scouts, 16
Whigs, 15, 21
Whirlwind, 26
Whisky, 24
White, _____, Rev., 11, 32
Wilkin, S. J., 30
Wilkin, Samuel J., 30
Wilkin, Wescott, attorney, 29
Williams, Captain, 16
Williwemoc Creek, 2
Wilson, William, 11
Windfall, Great, 27
Windfall, the Great, 23, 26
Windham, CT, 22
Witch doctor, 13
Witchcraft, 13
Wolves, 12
Wood, John, 11
Woodbourne Post Office, 28
Woodstock, 3
Workers, impoverishment of, 10
Wright, Joseph, 11
Wright, William B, Justice, 30
Wynkoop, Daniel, Private, 25
Youmans, Moses, 8
Young, Brigham, 34
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