Collected by Fay Brown Edwards (and her family members)
Scanned and indexed by Between the Lakes Group LLC for the "Fallsburgh" CD-ROM
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(page numbers refer to the collection as it appears on the CD-ROM -- a copy of this index, as well as a clickable Table of Contents, is included on the CD-ROM))
150th Anniversary 57
1st Engineers 13
40th anniversary 38
50th anniversary 36
5th US Cavalry 15
75th Anniversary 57
Allen, Everett 24
Allen, Fred 24
Allen, Mabel 24
Allen, Winifred 24
Allison, Joan 51
American Expeditionary Forces 13
American Legion 14
Anderson, Mary, Mrs. 32
Appendicitis, as cause of death 64
Appley, Anna, Mrs. 21
Architect Lodge No. 519, F. & A. M. 4
Armstrong House 28, 50, 53, 63
Armstrong House for boarders 29
Armstrong, C. H., Mrs. 4, 7, 62
Armstrong, Charles 29, 50
Armstrong, Charles H. 7
Armstrong, Charlie 35, 50, 53, 63
Armstrong, Lil 35
Armstrong, Lil Merritt 53
Armstrong, Lillie 50
Armstrong, Lillie Belle 7
Armstrong, Lillie Belle Merritt 7, 29, 50
Armstrong, Lillie Merritt 63
Armstrong, Stephen 29, 50
Army 61
Assemblyman 28, 50
Bailey, Emma 33
Bailey, Emma, Mrs. 6
Baker, Clarence 10
Baker, Clarence, Mrs. 10
Ball, Jennie 35, 41
Baltimore 14
Baltimore and Ohio R. R. 9
Baltimore, MD 9, 60
Barthlmont les Bauzemont 13
Bartholomew, Chester 32
Bates, Blake 64
Bates, Blake, Mrs. 64
Becker, Lydia 32
Beers, Harry 7, 62
Bennett, Charles 9
Benton, Robert, Mrs. 23
Bertholf, Ben 10
Bertholf, Ben, Mrs. 10
Bertholf, D. H. 10
Bertholf, D. H., Mrs. 10
Bertholif, Ben 10
Bertholif, Ben, Mrs. 10
Bertholif, D. H. 10
Bertholif, D. H., Mrs. 10
Bilyeu, Cornelius 52
Bilyeu, Margaret Misner 52
Bilyeu, Mary A. 52
Blackwell, Edith 33
Blackwell, Edith, Mrs. 6
Bloomer, Rachel 52
Board of the Methodist Church 58
Boarding house 42
Bonnell, Henry 10
Bonnell, Henry, Mrs. 10
Boonton, NJ 30, 31, 64
Bradford, PA 18
Brannan, Mabel 58
Branning, Richard, Mrs. 23
Brink, Daniel Y., Rev. 57
Brink, Rev. 64
Brooklyn, NY 9, 10
Brown, Electa 17
Brown, Eli 9
Brown, James 17
Brown, Maurice J. 44
Brown, Maurice, Mrs. 55
Brown, Mildred Merritt 44
Brown, Morris, Mrs. 54
Brundage, Mary 51
Buffalo, NY 24
Burnham, Anna 6, 33
Burns, C., Mrs. 64
Burr, Timothy, Mrs. 10
Burr, Truman 10
Burr, Truman, Mrs. 10
Burton, Orman 38, 41, 50
Burton, Orman, Mrs. 38
Burton, Ruth DePuy 50
Burton, Ruth Merritt 41
Butterville, NY 51
Calkins, Hannah, Mrs. 10
Callicoon 10
Cancer of the stomach, as cause of death 21
Carman, Sara 52
Carpenter, Elizabeth 51
Carter, J. W., Rev. 60
Carter, John W., Rev. 6, 8, 36, 55
Cattaragus County, NY 18
Caulfield, Leonard, Mrs. 65
Centerville 17
Central Valley, NY 19
Cerebral hemorrhage, as cause of death 55
Childbirth, as possible cause of death 49
Church of the Holy Communion 19
Cicio, Harold, Mrs. 36
Civil War 16, 45, 49
Civil War, as cause of death 49
Clark, Carrie Kinney 35
Clark, Carrie L. Kinney 50
Clark, Geo. R., Mrs. 4
Clark, George 35, 50
Clark, George R., Mrs. 4
Clark, Kenneth 35, 50
Clark, Roy 60
Clark, Thelma 64
Clarke, Carrie Kinney 7
Claryville 16, 52
Classis of Ulster 57
Cochecton 10
Cole, Arthur 10
Cole, Arthur, Mrs. 10
Cole, Fred 10
Cole, Fred, Mrs. 10
Cole, Harold 59
Cole, Margaret 10
Colonial Memorial Funeral Home 33
Columbia, The 15
Colwell, Lucinda 52
Colwell, Lucinda Colwell 52
Company C, 1st Engineers 13
Company I, 5th US Cavalry 15
Consistory 57
Cooley, George H., Rev. 10
Cornell University 30
Cortright, Violet, Mrs. 6
County Road Commissioner 44
Cox, Guilford 32
Crist, Charlie 38
Croisieiere, Mabel, Mrs. 6
Croisitiere, Mabel 33
Cross, Charles 10
Cross, Charles, Mrs. 10
Cross, Eugene C. 10
Cross, Eugene C., Mrs. 10
Cross, Guernsey T. 10
Cross, Guernsey T., Mrs. 10
Cross, Pluma, Mrs. 10
Cross, Ruth 10
Culligan, Nellie, Mrs. 14
Curry, Charles 58
Curry, Nellie 18
Curtis, J. T., Mrs. 9
Cypert, Daniel 12
Cypert, Herman 12
Dairyland 57
DAR Library 51
Dayton, Lee 58
Deacons 57
Dean, Arch 44
Dean, Arch, Mrs. 55
Dean, Charles 64
Dean, Emogene Merritt 44
Dean, Franklyn 10
Dean, Franklyn, Mrs. 10
Dean, George 64
DeBruce 52
Decker, Lucinda Merritt 52
Decker, Stephen 52
Decker, Teddy 34
DeGraw, Amanda 33
DeGraw, Anna 33
DeGraw, Dale E. 33
DeGraw, Edna K. 33
DeGraw, Frank 34
DeGraw, Frank C. 33
DeGraw, Gregory S. 33
DeGraw, Janet Furman 34
DeGraw, Janet M. Furman 33
DeGraw, Janet, Mrs. 6
DeGraw, Kozue Kikuchi 33
DeGraw, Kristopher 33
Deland, FL 25
Democrat, the 38
Denman, Elmer 10
Denman, Elmer, Mrs. 10
Denman, Mollie, Mrs. 10
DePew, Frank 21
DePew, Frank, Mrs. 21
DePew, Jennie B., Mrs. 21
DePew, Jennie Merritt 21
DePew, Ruth 21
DePew, Seymour 21
DePuy, Charles 36, 62
DePuy, Charles, Mrs. 36
DePuy, Charlie 36
DePuy, Frank 35, 50, 62
DePuy, Frank, Mrs. 4, 62
DePuy, Iona 40
DePuy, Iora 40
DePuy, Jennie B. 62
DePuy, Jennie Ball Merritt 50
Depuy, Jennie Merritt 7
DePuy, Jennie Merritt 62
DePuy, Mildred Haber 50
DePuy, Ruth 45, 50, 62
DePuy, Seymour 50, 62
DePuy, unknown 35
DeWitt, Emily 25
Diabetes, as cause of death 5
District No. 4 39
District School 39
Diveria Beach, FL 8
Divine Corners 9, 10, 19, 21, 52
Divine, Gladys Lounsbury 10
Divine, J. Morgan 10
Divine, J. Morgan, Mrs. 10
Divine, Reynolds 10
Divine, Robert 10
Divine, Robert, Mrs. 10
Divine's Machine Shop 10
Dobbs, Jay 34
Dobbs, Joan, Mrs. 34
Dolson, Mary 52
Durland, Goldie 10
Durland, Moyer 59
Dutch Reformed Church 16, 21, 24, 25, 55, 60, 62
Dutch Reformed Church of Woodbourne 7, 64
Eckert, Nye 64
Edwards, Fay Brown 65
Eidel, Charles 12
Eidel, John 60
Ellenville 16, 22, 30, 52, 56
Ellenville School 9
Ellenville-Woodbourne Stage 16
Ely, Lucia 35
Ennis, John 64
Eureka 10
Evans, Maria Jane 49
Evenson, Frederic, Rev. 19
Everette, Ivan 10
F. & A. M. 4
Fallsburg 19, 34, 50, 52, 63
Fallsburg Central High School 34
Fallsburgh Cemetery 17
Fallsburgh, Town of 55, 62
Farquhar, Lucille 32
Ferndale 4, 7, 36, 62
Fire Chief 60
Firemen 32
Fitch, Anna Maria 49
Fitch, Anna Mariah 51
Fitch, Rhoda Vanhouser 51
Fitch, William 51
Florida 32, 33
Fractured hip, as cause of death 23
France 12, 13
Franklin, Helen Cameron "Peg" 10
Franklin, S. F., Rev. 4
Fredenburgh, Ella 4, 50
Fredenburgh, Jacob 50
Freer, Margaret 51
Freer, Sarah 51
Ft. Bliss, TX 15
Furman, Anna Burnham 33
Furman, Benjamin H. 6
Furman, Celesta Perry 6, 44, 55
Furman, Celeste Perry 8, 58
Furman, Edith 33
Furman, Edna VanAken 8
Furman, Emma 8, 33, 44
Furman, Harrison 8, 33, 34, 55, 58
Furman, Harrison, Mrs. 34
Furman, Janet 34
Furman, Janet M. 33
Furman, Jennie 44
Furman, Jennie F. 54
Furman, Laura 33
Furman, Lloyd W. 55
Furman, Mabel 33
Furman, Mabel Brannan 58
Furman, Nancy 33
Furman, Orlando 6, 8, 44, 55, 58
Furman, Orsan J. 58
Furman, Orson 55
Furman, Raymond 9, 55, 58
Furman, Raymond O. 8
Furman, Violet 33
Furman, Wellington 58
Gaston, J. Douglas, Rev. 32
Gillette, Charity 52
Gillette, Esther A. 51
Goodwin, Cicero 57
Gorsline, Margaret Freer 51
Graebner, Mildred 10
Grahamsville 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 18, 55, 58, 60
Grahamsville Cemetery 6, 8, 16
Grahamsville Rural Cemetery 33
Grange 15, 62
Grant, Gordon C. 57
Grant, Preston 64
Great Lakes Training School 65
Greene County, NY 24
Greenville 24
Guinan, William, Rev. 61
Guntlow, Barbara 12
Haber, Mildred 41, 50
Hagan, Ida 26, 35, 50
Hagen, Ida 5
Hall, Chauncey D. 10
Hall, Chauncey D., Mrs. 10
Hamilton Avenue Hospital 6, 21, 65
Hamilton, Bruce 64
Hamilton, John 36
Hamilton, John, Mrs. 36
Hanofee, Dorothy 61
Hanofee, John 61
Hanofee, Margaret Ronan 61
Hanofee, Walter 61
Harris 44, 54, 55
Harris, J. Milton, Rev. 58
Hasbrouck 6, 8, 9, 14, 33, 34, 36, 44, 51, 55, 58, 60
Hasbrouck Road 38
Heart ailment, as cause of death 32, 60
Heart condition, as cause of death 58
Henyan, Martha Agnes 20
Herkimer County, NY 49
Heroy, Cora, Mrs. 22, 56
Heroy, G. M., Rev. 15
Heroy, George M., Mrs. 31
Heroy, George M., Rev. 30, 31
Heroy, Harold 31
Heroy, Harold, Mrs. 64
Heroy, N. L., Rev. 20
Heroy, Rev. Mr. 18
Hess, Rev. Mr. 4
Hewlett, Marion 60
High Falls 49, 51, 55, 58
Highland Lake 6
Hill, Arthur, Mrs. 10
Hill, Mae, Mrs. 10
Holmes, Cornelia 52
Holmes, Hannah Gray 52
Holmes, Roy Leslie 64
Holmes, Wright 52
Hornbeck, Grover 10
Hornbeck, Grover, Mrs. 10
Hotaling, Henry 62
Houghtaling, Harry 36
Houghtaling, Harry, Mrs. 36
Houghtaling, Henry 36
Houghtaling, Henry, Mrs. 36
Houghtaling, Russel 64
House and the Bell, the 57
Hoyt, O. P., Rev. 10
Hull, Eleanor 17
Hurleyville 10, 15, 17, 19, 21, 30, 32, 34, 59
Hurleyville Cemetery 9, 14, 65
Hurleyville M. E. Church 15
Hurleyville Methodist Church 34
Hyde, Charles 18
Hyde, Donald 18
Hyde, Harriet 18
Hyde, Nellie Curry 18
Hyde, Paul 18
Hyde, Robert E. 18
Hyde, Sanford 18
I. O. O. F. 15
Immaculate Conception Church 61
Indigestion, acute, as cause of death 4, 5
Influenza, as cause of death 9, 16, 18
Injuries, as cause of death 6
Jackson, Clifford, Mrs. 58
Jamieson, S. B. 20
Jamieson, S. B., Mrs. 20
Jamieson, Theron R. 20
Japan 33
Jefferson County, NY 4
Jelliff, Rhoda 52
Jersey City, NJ 23
JoHannson, Gladys, Mrs. 34
Jones, Charles 7, 62
Jordan, Sally 10
Justice of the Peace 50, 63
K. O. T. M. 15
Keller Department Store 28, 50
Kelly, Charley 7
Kennedy, Charles, Mrs. 61
Kiamesha Lake 6
Kikuchi, Kozue 33
Kile, Hazel LaBagh 65
Kile, Richard, Lt. 65
Kile, Royal G. 65
King, Anna Wilhelmina 12
King, Barbara Guntlow 12
King, Charles 12
King, Daball 12
King, Frank 12
King, George 12
King, Kathryn 12
King, Minnie 12
Kingston 58
Kinne, S. R., Mrs. 57
Kinney, Arlington 35
Kinney, Carrie 7, 35
Kinney, Carrie L. 50
Kinney, Charles 35
Kinney, Charles W. 50
Kinney, Cornelia 7
Kinney, Cornelia Layton 44, 45, 46, 49
Kinney, Cornelia Layton Kinney 49
Kinney, Ella Fredenburgh 4, 50
Kinney, Lucia Ely 35
Kinney, Silas 45, 49
Kinney, Will 35
Kinney, William T. 4, 50
Knapp, Laura 33
Knapp, Laura, Mrs. 6
Kneip, Floyd 64
Kneip, Louise 52, 64
Knelp, John H. 48
Knight, Arch 9
Knight, Archie 9
Knight, Palen 9
Knight, Viella 9
Knights of Pythias 4
Kortright, Asa 9
Kortright, Elmer 21
Kortright, Harold 32
Kortright, Lawrence 52
Kortright, Louise 22, 52, 56
Kortright, Meryl 9
Kortright, Meryl, Mrs. 9
Kortright, Myrtle 60
Kortright, Rachel Bloomer 52
Kortright, Violet 33
Kortright, William 21
Krom plot 52
Krom, Conrad 52
Krom, Phebe 52
Krom, Sara Carman 52
L. G. Laidlaw, Funeral Director 17
L. G. Laidlaw's Funeral Home 21
LaBagh, Hazel 65
Labagh, Ralph 10
Labagh, Ralph, Mrs. 10
Labagh, Robert B. 10
Labagh, Robert B., Mrs. 10
Ladies' Aid 24
Laidlaw Funeral Home 8, 32, 58, 65
Laidlaw, F. W., Dr. 15
Laidlaw, L. G., Funeral Home 21
Laidlaw, Lee 10
Laidlaw, Lee, Mrs. 10
Lake Charles, LA 60
Langres, France 12
LaPolt, Barbara 61
LaPolt, Dorothy Hanofee 61
LaPolt, Margaret 61
LaPolt, Maurice 32
LaPolt, Raymond 61
LaPolt, Robert 61
Lare, F. L., Rev. 17
Laten, Cornelia 21
Lawrence, Beryl 30, 59
Lawrence, Fred G. 59
Lawrence, Fred G., Mrs. 59
Layton, Cornelia 45, 46, 49, 54
Layton, Mary Ann 49
Layton, Nathan 49
Leroy, Geo. 10
Leroy, Geo., Mrs. 10
Leroy, George, Mrs. 25
Liberty 4, 7, 10, 19, 23, 24, 28, 32, 50, 61
Liberty Cemetery 4, 55
Liberty Register, the 36
Liberty Road 18
Liberty Schools 10
Limestone, Cattaragus County, NY 18
Lisi, Louis, Rev. 6
Livingston Manor 17, 23
Loch Sheldrake 10, 25, 32, 33, 52
Lorraine 13
Louisville, KY 54, 55
Lounsbury, Daniel 19
Lounsbury, Daniel,. Mrs. 19
Lounsbury, George 10
Lounsbury, George, Mrs. 10
Lounsbury, Gladys 10
Lounsbury, Gladys W. 10
Lounsbury, Marjorie 10
Lounsbury, Mary 10
Lounsbury, Willard F. 19, 31
Low's Corners Baptist Church 58
Lyon, Deborah 51
M. E. Church 16
Maimonides Hospital 23
Mancusi, Vincent 57
Many, Robert T. 58
Maplecrest House 40
Marbletown 52
Marion College 34
Marion, VA 34
Masonic circles 28
Masonic Services 50, 63
Masterson Funeral Home 6
McDonough, Anna 27, 35, 50
McFarland, Cecil L., Rev. 34
Meddaugh, Corwin R. 15
Meddaugh, Walter 15
Memorial Hospital 61
Mentz, Cecelia 30
Merrit, Joseph 25
Merritt family 49, 50, 51, 52
Merritt House 37, 52
Merritt, Abner 40, 51, 52
Merritt, Abner, Mrs. 25
Merritt, Anna Maria Fitch 49
Merritt, Anna McDonough 27, 35, 50
Merritt, Ben 35
Merritt, Benjamin B. 4
Merritt, Benjamin Vernooy 27, 50
Merritt, Bruce 35, 54, 55
Merritt, Bruce F. 44
Merritt, Caleb 51
Merritt, Clifford 54, 55
Merritt, Clifford Layton 44
Merritt, Cora E. 52
Merritt, Cornelia Holmes 52
Merritt, Cornelia Kinney 7
Merritt, Cornelia Laten 21
Merritt, Cornelia Latin 62
Merritt, Cornelia Layton 47, 50, 54
Merritt, Cornelia Layton Kinney 44, 45, 46, 49
Merritt, Daniel 49
Merritt, Daniel Webster 52
Merritt, Delbert 48, 52
Merritt, Douglas 40, 59
Merritt, Douglas Depuy 30
Merritt, Ella Reed 52
Merritt, Emily DeWitt 25
Merritt, Emma Theresa 50
Merritt, Emogene 44
Merritt, Esther A. Gillette 51
Merritt, F. M., Mrs. 17, 23
Merritt, Frank DePuy 41
Merritt, Frank M. 23, 52
Merritt, Frankie 50
Merritt, George 35
Merritt, George M. 4
Merritt, George M., Judge 7
Merritt, George Martin 50, 63
Merritt, Harvey J. 50
Merritt, Hattie 14, 60
Merritt, Henry 52
Merritt, Hiram 52
Merritt, Horace M. 23
Merritt, Ida Hagan 26, 35, 50
Merritt, Iona DePuy 40
Merritt, Iora DePuy 40
Merritt, Jennie 7, 21, 35, 62
Merritt, Jennie Ball 35, 41, 50
Merritt, Jennie F. Furman 54
Merritt, Jennie Furman 44, 55
Merritt, John 51
Merritt, Joseph 40, 49, 51, 52, 59
Merritt, Josephine 52
Merritt, Kenneth 30, 40
Merritt, Keran Esther 52
Merritt, Lil 53
Merritt, Lillie Belle 7, 29, 50
Merritt, Louise Kneip 52
Merritt, Louise Kortright 22, 52, 56
Merritt, Lucinda 52
Merritt, Lula Tyrrell 52
Merritt, Lydia Tyrrell Palmer 52
Merritt, Mabel 52
Merritt, Mack 50, 63
Merritt, Madison 49, 52
Merritt, Mahala Osterhout 52
Merritt, Maria Jane Evans 49
Merritt, Martin 5, 7, 21, 27, 44, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 62
Merritt, Martin F. 52, 54
Merritt, Martin Freer 35, 45, 49, 51, 52
Merritt, Martin, Sr. 49
Merritt, Mary A. Bilyeu 52
Merritt, Mary Sprague 52
Merritt, Mattie 52
Merritt, Melissa Pierce 49, 52
Merritt, Mildred 35, 44
Merritt, Mildred Haber 41
Merritt, Miranda L. Smith 52
Merritt, Phebe Krom 52
Merritt, Ruth 41
Merritt, Sara E. 52
Merritt, Sarah 22
Merritt, Sarah E. 56
Merritt, Sarah Freer 51
Merritt, Seymour 4, 35, 41
Merritt, Seymour H., Assemblyman 7
Merritt, Seymour Horatio 28, 50
Merritt, Sherman Hasbrouck 52
Merritt, Silas 22, 48, 49, 51, 52, 56
Merritt, Susan Rexford 23, 52
Merritt, Sylvia Miller 52
Merritt, Thelma E. Richard 30
Merritt, Thelma Richard 59
Merritt, Thomas 51
Merritt, Thornton 35, 36, 50
Merritt, Thornton C. 54
Merritt, Thornton L. 4, 7, 54, 55, 62
Merritt, Thornton L., Mrs. 55
Merritt, Thornton Layton 42, 44
Merritt, Thornton, Mrs. 36
Merritt, Ward W. 52
Merritt, Warren 52
Merritt, William 52
Merritt, William B. 52
Merritt, William Henry 52
Merritt, Winfield 35
Merritt, Winfield H. 5, 26, 50
Methodist Church 58
Methodist Parsonage 19
Metuchen, NJ 6
Metzgar, Rev. 19
Miami Beach, FL 54, 55
Middletown 17, 22, 24, 25, 30, 40, 55, 56, 58, 64
Middletown Lodge, Knights of Pythias 4
Midland Grange 62
Miller, Ray 32
Miller, Sylvia 52
Miller, Tony 60
Misner, Alvin 10
Misner, Alvin, Mrs. 10
Misner, Earl 57
Misner, James 52
Misner, Mabel Merritt 52
Misner, Margaret 52
Misner, Milferd K. 52
Misner, Norman 7, 52, 57
Misner, Norman M., Supervisor 62
Misner, Phoebe 52
Mongaup Lodge, F. & A. M. 4
Monticello 5, 6, 10, 21, 26, 34, 50, 54, 55, 64
Monticello High School 10
Monticello Hospital 14
Monticello Republican, the 19
Moore, Clifford Travis 19
Moore, Edmund 10, 19
Moore, Edmund, Mrs. 10, 19
Morris, M. T. 48
Morss, Medad T. 48
Morton, David 9
Morton, John 9, 60
Motorcycle Squad #1, NYPD 5
Mountaindale 20
Murray, Lorraine 60
Muthig, Fred 10
Muthig, Fred, Mrs. 10
Muthig, Lewis 10
Muthig, Lewis, Mrs. 10
Muthig, Marjorie 10
Naher, Cora E. Merritt 52
Naher, Herman 52
Narrowsburg 33
Navy 65
Neversink 6, 9, 10, 33, 54, 55, 60, 61
Neversink River 47, 51
Neversink Valley American Legion Auxiliary 14
New Hampshire 10
New Jersey 33
New Paltz 22, 49, 51, 56
New Paltz Normal 10, 30
New York City 4, 5, 9, 17, 31, 61
New York Police Department 5
New York Telephone Company 34
Newark 10
Newark, NJ 30
Niagara Falls, NY 59
Norwalk, CT 51
NYPD 27, 50
NYPD Motorcycle Squad 26, 50
O'Donnell, Edna Rexford 9
O'Donnell, William 9
Ohio Territory 51
Olive, Otto 4
Ontario Hose Company 32
Oradell, NJ 32
Orange County 20
Osborn, Grant 20
Osborn, Grant, Mrs. 20
Osterhoudt, James 24
Osterhoudt, James, Mrs. 24
Osterhoudt, Mabel 24
Osterhoudt, Winifred 24
Osterhout, Isaiah 52
Osterhout, Mabel 17
Osterhout, Mahala 52
Osterhout, Mary Dolson 52
Otsego County, NY 49, 50
Otsego, NY 52
Oxford, NY 10
Palmer, Lydia Tyrrell 52
Parksville 13
Perry, Celesta 6, 44, 55
Perry, Celeste 8, 58
Pierce, Cora L. 31
Pierce, Emeline Woodward 52
Pierce, Hiram 52
Pierce, J. M. 60
Pierce, John 22, 31, 52, 56, 64
Pierce, John, Mrs. 22, 31, 56, 64
Pierce, Joseph D. 12
Pierce, Joseph M, CPL 12
Pierce, Melissa 49, 52
Pierce, Sara E. Merritt 52
Pierce, Sarah E. Merritt 56
Pierce, Sarah E., Mrs. 22
Pierce, Sarah Merritt 22
Pierce, Vivian 64
Pierce, Vivian S. 64
Pneumonia, as cause of death 9, 16, 18
Poughkeepsie 20
Presbyterian 32
Prince, Donald 34
Princeton, NJ 24
Public Service Co. of New Jersey 9
Quigley, John J. 9
Quigley, William 9
Ramsay Funeral Home 54
Red Hook 32
Red Men 32
Reed, Ella 52
Reformed Church 22, 56, 57
Reformed Church of Woodbourne 8
Reformed Dutch Church 18, 36
Register, The 16, 30
Republican Party 50, 63
Republican Watchman 48
Rexford, Edna 9
Rexford, Electa Brown 17
Rexford, Electa Brown, Mrs. 17
Rexford, Grant 23
Rexford, Grant W. 32
Rexford, Harold 32
Rexford, Henry J. 17
Rexford, Horace M. 17
Rexford, Jacob 32
Rexford, Jacob Charles 32
Rexford, Jake 32
Rexford, Janet 32
Rexford, Lee 32
Rexford, Lucille Farquhar 32
Rexford, Lydia Becker 32
Rexford, M. A. 9
Rexford, M. A., Mrs. 9
Rexford, Mary 32
Rexford, Susan 23, 52
Rexford, William 32
Richard, Joseph 30, 59
Richard, Joseph, Mrs. 30, 59
Richard, Thelma 59
Richard, Thelma E. 30
Ridgely, MD 24
River View House 45, 47
Riverview Inn 49
Rochester 6, 14, 33
Rockland County, NY 52
Ronan, Margaret 61
Roosa Gap 65
Roosa, Jas. 4
Rosary Society 61
Roscoe 23
Route 42 53
Ruter, Paul Z., Rev. 33
Sarasota, FL 32
Schoonover, F. B., Rev. 17
Schoonover, Mrs. 17
Scotia, NY 57
Scott, Floyd 16
Scott, Floyd, Mrs. 16
Scott, Hattie Whipple 16
Severing, Henry 52
Severing, Josephine Merritt 52
Shaw, Gladys 60
Shaw, Gladys E., Mrs. 14
Shaw, Gladys Smith 14
Shaw, Harold 14
Shaw, Lester 14
Shaw, Nellie 14
Shaw, William 14
Sheeley, Earl 58
Sheeley, Elisha 16
Sheeley, Harry, Mrs. 36
Sheldon, Daisy 10
Sheley, Hattie, Mrs. 10
Shock, as cause of death 23
Shumway, S. O., Mrs. 9
Silver Dollar Tavern 32
Simpson, Richard, Mrs. 25
Slate Hill 25, 30, 40, 59
Slater, Charles 19
Slater, Charles L. 31
Slater, Charles L., Mrs. 31
Slater, Charles, Mrs. 19
Slater, Leona M. 19
Slater, Leona Mildred 31
Slater, Orlaf 19
Slater, Orlaf, Mrs. 19
Smith, Chester 7
Smith, Earl J. 14
Smith, Earle 60
Smith, Edith 10
Smith, George 60
Smith, George W. 14
Smith, Gladys 14
Smith, Hattie Merritt 14, 60
Smith, John 10
Smith, John A. 57
Smith, John, Mrs. 10
Smith, Joseph 52
Smith, Lafayette 10
Smith, Lafayette, Mrs. 10
Smith, Lester 7, 9, 60, 64
Smith, Lester A. 60
Smith, Lester, Mrs. 21
Smith, Miranda L. 52
Smith, Myrtle Kortright 60
Smith, Nellie 14
Smith, Raymond 60
Smith, Rev. Mr. 4
Smith, Will 10
Smith, Will, Mrs. 10
Smith, William 60
Smith, William M. 14
Smith, Wm., Mrs. 25
Smithville, Jefferson County, NY 4
Smithville, NY 7, 50
South Fallsburg 19, 31
Spiers, John Merritt 51
Sprague, Mary 52
Sprague, Russell W. 13
Sprague, Russell, CPL 13
St. Mary's Catholic Church 12
St. Mary's Church 9
St. Peter's Cemetery 61
Stamford, CT 19
Stangel Bernstein VFW Auxiliary 14
Stanton, William, Mrs. 61
Stars and Stripes 13
Staten Island, NY 61
Statesir, B., Rev. 44
Statesir, Benjamin, Rev. 36
Statesir, Bessie 17, 64
Stickle, LaFayette 10
Stickle, William 10
Stickle, William, Mrs. 10
Stodart, Edith Elizabeth 19
Stodart, Supervisor 19
Stodart, William R. 19
Stodart, William R., Mrs. 19
Stodart, Wm. 10
Stodart, Wm., Mrs. 10
Stroke, as cause of death 22, 56
Sullivan County 7, 13, 49, 51, 58
Sullivan County Historical Society 48
Sullivan County Republican Committee 62
Sullivan County, NY 5
Swan Lake 60
Tarrytown 4
Tax Collector 50, 63
Tergott, Stanley 57
Tervilleger, L., Rev. 16
Texas 15
Travis, Frank 32
Tri-Valley Central School 34
Turner, George W., Rev. 7, 25, 62
Turner, George, Rev. 21
Tyler, Nancy 33
Tyler, Nancy, Mrs. 6
Tyrrell, Isaac 52
Tyrrell, Lydia 52
Tyrrell, Rhoda Jelliff 52
Ulster 57
Valhalla 33
VanAken, Edna 8
VanBenschoten, Charlotta 17
VanBenschoten, Emma 8
VanBenschoten, Emma Furman 44
VanBenschoten, Emma, Mrs. 6
VanBenschoten, William H. 36, 44
VanBenschoten, William H., Mrs. 36, 55
VanBenschoten, William, Mrs. 58
VanBenschoten, Wm. H. 10
VanBenschoten, Wm. H., Mrs. 10
Vanhouser, Rhoda 51
VanLeuven, Warren, Mrs. 36
VanSant, Clayton, Mrs. 58
VanSant, Lois, Mrs. 55
Vantran, Andrew 9
Vantran, Anna Yonker 9
Vantran, George 12
Vantran, Irene 9
Vantran, Michael 9
Vantran, William B. 9
Vantran, Willie 9
Vantran, Wm. B. 9
VFW 14
Virginia 34
Walden 20
Warner, J. O., Rev. 65
Warwick 30
Washington, DC 51, 55
Webb Horton Church 64
Webb, Martha Marshall 51
Welfare Commissioner 50, 63
West, Howard P., Rev. 58
Westchester Medical Center 33
Whipple, Hattie 16
Whipple, Hattie, Mrs. 16
White Plains 21
Whitman, NE 18
Whittaker, John 57, 60
Whittaker, John G. 36
Whittaker, William, Supervisor 62
Wight, E. VanDyke, D. D., Rev. 24
Wight, E. VanDyke, Rev. 64
Wiley, John, Mrs. 36
Williamstown, NY 4, 50
Wilson, Jack 10
Wilson, Jack, Mrs. 10
Winner, Benjamin 52
Winner, Charity Gillette 52
Winner, Deming 52
Winner, Henry G. 52
Winner, Keran Esther Merritt 52
Winters, C. A., Rev. 10
Woodbourne 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64
Woodbourne Cemetery 9, 18, 24, 25
Woodbourne Dutch Reformed Church 24
Woodbourne Reformed Church 6, 14, 18, 44, 54
Woodbourne Reformed Church Cemetery 49
Woodbourne School District 50, 63
Woodbridge 6
Woodridge 6, 9, 17
Woods, Roy 10
Woodside, NY 61
Woodward, Emeline 52
World War I 6, 44
Wurtboro School 65
Yeggmen 48
Yonker, Anna 9
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