The CD-ROM includes the entire 50 page Town of Fallsburgh chapter from James Eldridge Quinlan's monumental 1873 |
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Note: page numbers refer to pages in this extract, not in Quinlan's full History
Act to finance the bridge, 33
Adams, Mr., partner of Palen, 32
Adams, Samuel, 23
Ague, 4
Albany, 33, 40
Albany Daily Advertiser, 15
Albion Mills, 5
American Bible Society, 50
American Tract Society, 50
Andrews, Francis, 41
Andrews, M. E., 39
Anne, Queen, 8
Assassination of Gerard Hardenbergh, 9
Assassination of Hardenbergh, 14
Assembly, 45
Assembly, Member of, 15, 16, 33
Assembly, State, 15
Assessor, 41
Assessors, 3
Attorney, 15
Attorney General, 28
Atwell, John, 41
Ayres, J. B., Rev., 49
Baker brothers, 4, 6
Baker family, 4
Baldwin, Rev., 48
Bandboxes, 42
Bank, broken, 22
Banker, 29
Bark mill, 37
Barlow note, 22
Barlow, Warren, 3
Barnum, Platt, 40
Barrens, the, 42
Bates, William, 41
Battle of Fort Montgomery, 4
Bear, 5, 39, 42
Bears, 38
Beekman family, 9, 15
Beekman family, deeds from, 10
Beekman title, 8, 9
Beekman title, validity of, 8
Beekman tract, 8
Beekman, Henry K., 8, 30
Beekman, Henry, Col., 8
Beekman, title of land, 6
Beerkill, Good, 2
Bell, 49
Bell house, 41
Benedict, Giles M., 25
Bennett, Hiram, 16
Berea, 48
Bevier, Benjamin, 13
Bevier, Benjamin R., 31
Bevier, Benjamin, Jr, Dr., 13
Bevier, John H., Rev., 49
Bevier, Simon, 35
Bible, 19
Billings, Livingston, 35
Bindekill, 5
Birch bark, 42
Blacksmithing, 6
Blanchard, William, 40
Bleecker, Widow, 40
Blue Hills, 8, 46
Blue Mountain, 43
Board of Supervisors, 34, 45
Boarding house, tannery, 37
Boards of the Church, 50
Bogardus, Jacob E., 31
Bogardus, William R., Rev., 47
Bordon family, 4
Bordone, Mr., 5
Bourn, meaning of, 31
Bowen, Daniel, Jr., 28
Bowie knife, 23
Boyd, Joshua, Rev., 47
Boyd, Mr., 48
Boys, summer attire for, 43
Bradish, Luther, 45
Branch turnpike, 36, 45
Bread, making of, 5
Bridge, 33
Bridge across the Neversink, 31
Bridge at Chenango Point, 35
Bridge over the Neversink, 32
Bridge, financing of, 33
Bridge, stone, 36
Bridge, total cost of, 34
Bridgeville, 7
Brodhead, C. W., 20, 21
Brodhead, Charles W., 32, 33, 34
Brodhead, Jacob, 25
Brodhead, John, Jr., 31
Broken bank, 22
Brown brothers, descendants of, 34
Brown Pond, 2
Brown, brothers named, 34
Brown, employee of Finch, 37
Brown, James, 3
Brown, John, 39
Brown, John W., 28
Brown, Mr., original settler, 39
Brown, Obadiah, 34
Brown, Rev., 48
Brown, Samuel, 34
Brown, Thaddeus, 34
Brown, Thadeus, 5
Brown, Walter S., Rev., 50
Brown, Walter Scott, 50
Bruyn, Col., 4
Bruyn, Cornelius, 35
Buckley, Benjamin P., 23
Buckley's Tavern, 18
Budd, Thaddeus, 12
Building Committee, 33, 34
Burling, Walter, 35
Burning of Hardenbergh property, 11
Bush family claim, abandonment of, 12
Bush, Abner, 4
Bush, Ebenezer, 23
Bush, Ezra, 4
Bush, Henry, 4, 11
Bush, James, 4
Bush, James, family of, 12
Bush, James, Jr., 4, 11
Bush, James, son of, 14
Bush, James, Sr., 11
Bush, Mrs., 12
Bush, O. H., 24
Bush, Simeon, 4, 11
Bushnell, Lewis, 32
Butter, as leading industry, 8
Canadians, 26
Candles, 42
Canfield, David, 14
Carding machine, 44
Cat's Paw, 8
Cattle, 5
Chancellor, State, 15
Chenango Point, 31, 35
Chestnut Woods, 4
Children, attire for, 43
Childs, B. G., 6, 30
Childs, Richard D., 36
Church of the Holy Trinity, 34
Circuit Judges, 15
Classis, 48, 49
Clerk of the County, 39
Cochecton, 14, 44
Colenso, 41
Collector, 3
Colporteur, 50
Commissioner of Highways, 3
Commissioners, 31, 35
Commissioners of Common Schools, 3
Commissioners of Mamakating, 5
Commissioners of the Highways of Mamakating, 4
Committee on Internal Affairs of Towns and Counties, 33
Common Pleas, 35
Common Schools, Commissioners of, 3
Common Schools, Inspectors of, 3
Comptroller, 36
Coney, John, 4, 12, 14
Conger, John, 35
Congress, 38
Congress, Representative in, 16
Conklin, Jacob, 30, 40, 42
Conklin, Jacob, Jr., 40
Conklin, Sylvanus, 41
Connecticut, 6, 41, 45, 49, 50
Connitt, G. W., Rev., 50
Consistory, 46, 49, 50
Constable, 26
Constables, 3
Consumption, 38
Contractors, 49
Cooking technique, 42
Corn, 4
Corn, price of, 7
Cornwall, 43
Coroner, 13, 25
Couch, Daniel, 3
Couch, Elijah, 41
Couch, Mary, 42
Counselor at Law, 15
County Clerk, 39
County Courts, 35
County Treasurer, 33
Court, 29
Court-house, 26
Courtright house, 41
Courts, County, 35
Cow, 41, 42
Cows, 5
Crawford, Daniel, 40, 41
Crawford, John, 3
Crawford, William T., 40
Crosby, John, 35
Cross, Lewis, 41
Crowell, John, 35
Cudney, David, 40
Currier, 7
Custom House, New York, 45
Daily Advertiser, Albany, 15
Dairying, 2
Dam, 37, 38
Date of erection of town, 2
Davis, Henry H., 22
Deacons, 47, 49
Dean, Moses, 29, 51
Death of Harrdenbergh, 13
Debauch, 9
Decker, Benjamin, 28
Deep River, CT, 50
Deer, 5, 46
Delaware River, 44
Denman mill, 6
Denniston family, 43
Denniston, Archibald, 43
Denniston, Walter S., 40, 41
Denniston, William F., 40
Denniston's ford, 3
Denniston's Ford, 4, 5, 7, 30, 39, 40, 43
Depuy, Josiah, 3, 4
Depuy, Mrs., 19, 20
Depuy, Nancy, Mrs., 24
Depuy, Rachel, 47
Depuy, Thomas, 6
DeWitt family, 4
DeWitt, Mr., 5
Dimmick, Alpheus, District Attorney, 28
Diphtheria, 46
Distiller, 17
Distilling, 37
Distrainment of property, 11
District Attorney, 28
District schoolhouse, 39
Divine farm, 43
Divine, David H., 51
Divine, James, 43, 51
Divine, James, Esq., 22, 26
Divine, John H., 43, 46, 51
Divine, Joseph, 43
Divine, Samuel, 43
Divine, suit before, 24
Divine's Corners, 43, 44, 45
Doctor Livingston lot, 6
Dodge, Augustus, 28
Domestic Missionary Society, 48
Drake, denunciation by Hardenbergh, 12
Drake, Jeremiah, 12
Droste, P., Rev., 34
Drowning, 38
Dug-way, the, 12, 14
Duryea, Isaac G, Rev., 29, 49
Dutch, 16
Dutch Church, 47, 48
Dutch element, 47
Dutch Pond, 3
Dutch Reformed Church, 29, 31
Dutch settlers, 3
Dutcher, David, 44
Dutcher, Thompson, 44
Dutchess County, 30, 49
Dutchmen, 34
East Pond, 2
Eggleston, Ambrose, Rev., 48
Eggleston, Rev., 49
Elder, Ruling, 47
Elders, 49
Eldridge, John, 32
Elizabeth, Presbytery of, 47
Ellenville, 31, 32
Eller family, 44
Eller, Cornelius, 43
Eller, Cornelius D., 3
Eller, John, 3, 43
Elting, C. C., Rev., 48
Elting, C. DuBois, Rev., 49
Employee benefits, 38
Esopus, 30
Everard, Henry, 29
Everson, J. R., 44
Fairfield County, CT, 41
Falls of the Neversink, 3, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 46
Falls, the, 4, 5
Fallsburgh, 4, 13, 15, 16, 22, 32, 33, 34, 38, 46
Fallsburgh, Revival in, 49
Fallsburgh, selection of name, 36
Fallsburgh, Town of, 2, 17, 34, 41, 43, 51
Farmer, 19
Farr, Archibald, 40, 42
Farrow, state of cows, 6
Fee simple, 40
Fever, 4
Finch, Mr., 37
Fire, 29
Fire at Morss tannery, 32
Flagler, Nicholas, 34, 38, 51
Flood, 7
Flood of 1869, 36, 37
Forsyth, James C., 32
Fort Montgomery, 4
Fowler, Edward K., Rev., 29
Foxes, 46
Fraudulent land claims, 8
Freer, Peter, 4, 11, 12
French and Indian War, 3
French's Gazetteer, 2
Fuller, William E., 41
Fulling mill, 6
Funeral of Herman M. Hardenbergh, 15
Gale, Anson, 29
Gallows, 29
General Assembly of 1703, 8
General Sessions, 35
General Synod, 50
George, Rev., 48
German Catholic Church, 34
Gilbert, Jasper, 31
Gildersleeve, James, 21
Gillett, Ezekial, Sr., 12
Gillett, Seth, 4, 6, 11
Girls, summer attire for, 43
Glen Wild, 41, 42, 43
Glenham, 49
Gold, 44
Good Beerkill, 2
Gorton, John, 4
Gourley's, 15
Governor of the State, 15
Grahamsville, 4
Grain, 7, 8, 19, 42
Grain belonging to tenants, 11
Grain raising, 2
Grant family, 4, 12
Grant, Amos Y., 6
Grant, Benjamin, 29
Grant, Ephraim, 6
Grant, Joseph, Hon., 21
Grant, Joshua, 6, 7
Grant, Judge, 23
Grant, Nathan, 6
Grant, Thomas, 4, 6
Grant, William, 7
Grant, William, a cripple, 7
Gray, John A., 50
Gray, John, Jr., 28
Gray, John, Rev., 48
Gray, Walter, 31
Great Lot No. 3, 17
Great Lot One, 2
Great Lot Three, 2
Great Lot Two, 2
Great Patent, 9, 16
Grist mill, 6, 11, 19, 21, 35, 36, 37, 42, 44
Gross Hardenbergh's claim, 10
Groton, CT, 6, 7
Guilty verdict, 28
Haight, J. W., 40, 41
Hall, John, 7
Hall, John C., 51
Hall, William M., 29, 51
Hall, Willis, Attorney General, 28
Handcuffs, 29
Hardenbergh claim believed fraudulent, 11
Hardenbergh family, 8, 16
Hardenbergh heirs, 9
Hardenbergh War, so-called, 15
Hardenbergh, "Case", 25
Hardenbergh, Benjamin, 11
Hardenbergh, Benjamin, Dr., 10, 13, 16, 24
Hardenbergh, Capt., 9
Hardenbergh, Col., death of, 10
Hardenbergh, Cornelius, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29
Hardenbergh, Cornelius W., 11, 15, 16
Hardenbergh, Cornelius, sentencing of, 29
Hardenbergh, Cornelius, trial of, 28
Hardenbergh, Dr., 17, 18
Hardenbergh, Elsie, 6
Hardenbergh, Gerard, 9, 11, 30
Hardenbergh, Gerard, called "Gross", 9
Hardenbergh, Gross, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 30
Hardenbergh, Gross, disinherited by father, 10
Hardenbergh, H. M., 31, 47
Hardenbergh, H. R., 11
Hardenbergh, heirs of, 15
Hardenbergh, Herman M., 3, 12, 15, 51
Hardenbergh, Herman M., funeral of, 15
Hardenbergh, Jared, 23, 24
Hardenbergh, Johannis, Col., 8, 9
Hardenbergh, Johannis, Jr., 16
Hardenbergh, Johannis, Maj., 9, 16
Hardenbergh, John, 6
Hardenbergh, M., 7
Hardenbergh, Nicholas, 35
Hardenbergh, Peter D., 26
Hardenbergh, song about death of, 13
Hardenbergh, Thomas, 32, 51
Hardenbergh, Thomas R., 3, 15, 26, 51
Hardenbergh, Thomas, farm of, 2
Hartshorn, Charles, 31
Hasbrouck, 6, 12, 30, 31
Hasbrouck murder by Hardenbergh, 15
Hasbrouck, Anthony, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 47, 51
Hasbrouck, Anthony, death of, 25
Hasbrouck, as site of first tavern, 4
Hasbrouck, Isaiah, 10
Hasbrouck, Mrs., 24, 25
Hasbrouck, Rachel Depuy, 47
Hasbrouck, source of place name, 15
Hemlock bark, 32, 37
Hermits, 4
Highways, Commissioner of, 3
Hill Pond, 2
Hill, James, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 30, 39
Hill, John, 3
Hill, Uriah, 4
Hill, William, 3
Hollister, Asahel, 28
Holy Trinity, Church of the, 34
Homespun, 42
Hornbeck, Gideon, 28
Hornbeck, Nathan, 31
Horses, 42
Horses, team of, 44
House of Representatives, 45
Howard, Joseph, 7
Hoyt farm, 39
Hubbard, Mr., 38
Hubbard, workman for Finch, 37
Hudson River, 40
Hume, teacher in Marbletown, 17
Hunter, 19, 46
Hunters of Sullivan, 39
Hunting knife, 23
Hurley, 46
Hurley, William, 46
Hurleyville, 46
Husted, J. Napier, Rev., 46
Hyndshaw, Rev., 48
Illinois, 29
Indian path, 4
Indian Tribes of Hudson's River, 9
Indians, 9, 42
Inquest, 25
Inspectors of Common Schools, 3
Intemperate behavior, 9
Itinerant preachers, Methodist, 43
Jail, attempts to break out of, 29
Jansen, Abraham, 35
Jansen, Johannis T., 35
Jelliff, R. R., 15
Johnston, Charles, 35
Jones, John P., 41, 46
Jones, Jonathan, 43
Jones, Joseph D., 44
Jones, Samuel F., 41, 46
Jury, 13
Jury for Hardenbergh murder trial, 28
Justice of the Peace, 45
Justices of the Supreme Court, State, 15
Kelley, Felix, Sheriff, as executioner, 29
Kelley, Mr., builder of stone bridge, 37
Kelley, Sheriff, 29
Kerosene, 29
Kidd, Stephen, 38
Kile, Nathaniel F., 33
Kingston, 7, 17, 31, 32, 35
Kingston Academy, 17
Kline family, 4
Knapp, Isaac C., 51
Knapp, John, 5
Knife, hunting, 23
Krum, Abram, 44
Kyle, Benjamin, 46
Kyle, Benjamin, Dr., 46
Kyle, Charles, 46
Kyle, Hannah, 46
Kyle, John, 46
Kyle, Lydia, 46
Kyle, Mary J. E., 46
Kyle, Sally Ann, 46
Kyle, Solomon, 46
Kyle, Tabitha E., 46
Kyserike, 4
Lafayette, 36
Lakes, 2
Land, cost of, 6
Larrabee, Eleazer, 4, 7
Lawrence, Thomas, 3
Lawson, John D., 35
Lawson, Samuel, 40
Lawyer, 30, 35
Lawyers, 21
Lawyers, dishonest, 11
Leaches, 37
Lee, Robert P., Rev., 48, 49
Lefever, Mrs., 24, 25
Lefever, Nancy, 27
Legislature of New York State, 2
Legislature of the State, 33, 35
Lewis, Abijah W., 28
Liberty, 17, 18, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 35, 46
Liberty, pioneers of, 7
Liberty, Town of, 17, 43, 44
Liberty, Village of, 23
Life and Confession of C. W. Hardenbergh, 16, 17
Life and Confession of Hardenbergh, 23
Life style of early settlers, 5
Life, etc. of Cornelius W. Hardenbergh, 11
Litchfield County, CT, 45
Litchfield, CT, 49
Livingston lot, 6
Loch Sheldrake, 31, 44, 45, 46
Lockwood, 37
Lockwood family, 36
Lockwood, Thomas S., 36
Lockwood, town name proposed, 36
Lockwood's Mills, 36
Lord, Goold, 40
Lord, John, 40
Lord, Samuel, 40
Low, Benjamin, 45
Low, Caty, 45
Low, Elizabeth, 45
Low, Heman, 45
Low, Henry R., 45
Low, Jane, 45
Low, John, 45
Low, John A., 45
Low, Mary, 45
Low, Sarah, 45
Low, Stephen, 45
Low, Zachariah, 45
Ludington, Harley R., 3, 45, 51
Ludington, Philip C., 3
Ludlum, Gabriel W., 30, 31, 47, 48
Ludlum, Judge, 49
Ludlum, Mr., 32
Lumber, 30
Lumbering, 2
Lumberland, 18
Lumberman, 19
M. E. Church, 23
Maize, cracked, 5
Major Patent, 9
Mamakating Records, 5
Mamakating, Commissioners of, 5
Mamakating, Commissioners of Highways of, 4
Mamakating, Records of, 40
Mamakating, Town of, 2, 34, 40
Man of all work, 17
Maple-molasses, 5
Maraquat, Jacob, 4, 11, 12, 14
Maraquat, Jacob, wife of, 12
Marbletown, 17
Marlborough, 40
McAuley, John, 35
Mead, Henry, 3
Meat, 8
Member of Assembly, 15, 16
Merchants, 29, 35
Merrett, Mr., 10
Messiter, Uriah, Rev., 45
Methodist denomination, 48
Methodist Episcopal Church, 39
Methodist preacher, 19
Methodist preachers, itinerant, 43
Methodist Society, 36
Methodist Society at Sandburgh, 50
Methodists, 36
Midland Railroad Company, 46
Migration of Fallsburgh founders, 3
Militia, Ulster County, 30
Milk, 6
Mill, 26
Mill dam, 2
Mill stones, 41
Miller, 36
Miller Settlement, 42
Miller tract, 42
Miller, Elias, 35
Miller, Johannis, 41
Milliken, David, 35
Millspaugh, Benjamin, 28
Millwright, 36
Mine, spurious, 44
Miner, 44
Mining property, 44
Misner, Henry, 3, 4, 11, 12, 31
Misner, L., 26
Misner, Peter, 4, 12
Mitchell, James, 35
Moiety, 33
Molasses, maple, 5
Mongaup Creek, 40
Montgomery, 35, 48
Monticello, 25, 28, 29, 35, 46
Morss, Medad T., 30, 32
Mott, Mr., 6
Mount Prospect, 5
Muskrats, 46
Mutton Hill, 7
Naewersink, 8
Napanoch, 4
Nelson, John, 28
Neversink, 7, 22
Neversink country, 6, 17
Neversink flats, 7
Neversink Flats, 43
Neversink River, 2, 5, 6, 8, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 43, 47
Neversink River, land on, 8
Neversink Turnpike, 35
Neversink, as site of store, 6
Neversink, bottom lands of the, 11
Neversink, bridge across the, 31
Neversink, Falls of the, 3, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 46
Neversink, Town of, 2, 4, 6, 17, 40
Neversink, Valley of, 10
Neversink, valley of the, 7
Neversink, Valley of the, 8
Neversink, Village of, 8
Nevisink Falls, 3
Nevisink River, 2, 5
Nevisink, Town of, 2
New Hurley, 35, 47
New London County, CT, 6
New Paltz, 20, 31, 47
New Prospect Union Church, 46
New Windsor, 7
New York, 50
New York Custom House, 45
Newburgh, 7, 35, 36, 37
Newburgh and Cochecton Road, 35
Newburgh and Sullivan Turnpike Company, 35
Newburgh, Village of, 35
Newkirk's Mills, 35
Niven, Archibald C., 28
Niven, Gen., 23
Noah Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 31
October Circuit of 1841, 28
Old road, 5
Oliver, Richard, 4, 32, 33, 51
O'Neil place, 34
O'Neill, James, 40
O'Neill, John D., 39
O'Neill, Stafford D., 39
Orange County, 40, 41, 43, 47
Original settlers, 3
Otisville, 5
Overseers of the Poor, 3
Overton, Mr., 6
Owego, 31
Oxen, 20, 29
Pacific coast, 32
Palen, Arthur, 38
Palen, Edward, 38, 51
Palen, Gilbert W., 38, 51
Palen, James, 38
Palen, Ornan, 51
Palen, Rufus, 16, 32, 37, 38
Palen, Rufus, reputation of, 38
Palen, Rufus, trial of, 38
Palmer, Silas B., 7
Palmer, William, 7, 40
Paltz, the, 47
Panther, 41
Panthers, 46
Parks, William, 6, 7
Patent, Rochester, 8
Path, Indian, 4
Patmore, Henry, Jr., 35
Pennsylvania, 45
Pennsylvania, Western, 44
Perry, Daniel, 41
Phillips Port, 4
Pine knots, 42
Pioneer life, dangers of, 41
Pistol, 23, 37
Plattekill, 43
Pleasant Lake, 3, 30
Pleasant Pond, 2
Poor, Overseers of the, 3
Population, 3
Pork, 7
Pork, price of, 7
Port Jervis, 48
Porter, Edwin, 26
Post Office, 7, 15
Potash, 4
Poughkeepsie, 49
Powell family, 35
Powell, Jacob, 35, 36
Powell, Thomas, 35, 36
Preachers, Methodist, itinerant, 43
Preachers, pioneer, 36
Presbyterian Church, 46, 50
Presbytery of Elizabeth, 47
President of the General Synod, 50
Prince's Hollow, 6
Printer, 50
Prison, 23, 28
Prosecution, 28
Queen Anne, 8
Quinlan, Henry, 38
Quinlan, James, Rev., 36
Quinlan, John, 38
Raccoons, 46
Railroad, 31
Ranfeisen, Fr., 34
Rawson place, 7
Rawson, John, 6
Rawson, Thomas, 4
Reading, Richard A., 3
Records of Mamakating, 40
Reed farm, 19
Reed place, 12
Reed, Henry, 35
Reeve, Elijah, 5
Reeve, Silas, 41
Reformed Church, 4, 12, 34
Reformed Church of Fallsburgh, 46
Reformed Church of Glenham, 49
Reformed Church parsonage, 13
Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Fallsburgh, 47
Representative in Congress, 16
Republican Watchman, the, 34
Revival, 49
Revolution, "wrong side" during, 30
Revolution, soldier of the, 14
Revolutionary Army, 11, 30
Revolutionary War, 3, 9, 39
Right to smoke anywhere, supposed, 37
River Road, 35
River, Neversink, 36, 40
Rochester patent, 8
Rochester Patent, 8
Rochester, Town of, 8
Rochester, Trustees of, 8
Rock House, 40
Rockland, 22
Rockland, Town of, 6, 17, 19
Rockwell, James N., 31
Romeyn, Herman M., 28
Roosa's Pass, 35
Rosekranse, Moses, 35
Rosendale, 9
Rose's Pass, 4
Rufus Palen & Co., 37
Ruggles, Charles H., 35
Ruggles, Charles H., Hon., 28
Ruggles, Herman, 35
Rumsey, James, 35
Rundle, Isaac, 40
Russian Tartary, 48
Ruttenber's Indian Tribes of Hudson's River, 9
Rye, 4
Rye, price of, 7
Ryerson, Nancy, 9
Ryerson, Nancy, heirs of, 10
Sackett Road, 42
Sammons, John, 6
Samp, 5
Sam's Point, 35
Sandburgh, 39, 41, 50
Sandburgh Creek, 2
Sandburgh route into the county, 39
Sandburgh, the, 4
Sanford, Mr., 44
Sarr, Cornelius, 4, 12
Sarr, Jacob, 12, 14
Saw mill, 5, 6, 11, 19, 20, 30, 36, 37, 44
School, first, 42
Schoolhouse, District, 39
Schools, Common, Commissioners of, 3
Schools, Common, Inspectors of, 3
Schoonmaker, 45
Schoonmaker family, 9
Schoonmaker Settlement, 44
Schoonmaker title, 8
Schoonmaker, Henry D., 44
Schoonmaker, J. D., 47
Schoonmaker, Joachim D., 47
Schoonmaker, title of land, 6
Scotchman, 48
Seaman, Abraham, 49
Seaman, Abram, 47
Seaman, Joseph, 47, 49
Searl, Jeremiah, Rev., 49
Searl, Mr., 50
Sears, Elnathan, 35
Seeley, Abner, 36
Seeley, Horace, 36
Seeley, Mr., 38
Seeley, Mr., caught in bear trap, 39
Seeley, Oliver, 36
Senate, State, 15
Sergeant at Arms of the Assembly, 45
Session Laws of 1816, 36
Settlers, original, 3
Seward, William H., 45
Shakespeare, 31
Shawangunk River, 35
Sheeley, Conrad, 6
Sheeley, Matthew, 4, 11
Sheeley, Matthew, as first tavern-keeper, 4
Sheep, 42
Sheldrake Creek, 5
Sheldrake Lake, 2
Sheldrake region, 45
Sheldrake region, early name of, 44
Sheldrake Stream, 3
Sheldrake, the, 44
Shodack, 48
Shoemaker, 7
Sickles, Nicholas, 28
Simpson, John, 39
Simpson, Peter, 39
Skating, 38
Sloat, Alexander C., 3
Smith Pond, 2
Smith, Lewis, 23
Smith, Lotan, 7
Smith, Lotan, history of MSS, 4
Smith, Lotan, MSS of, 5
Smith, Nehemiah, 41
Smith, Stephen, 51
Smith, W. W., 31
Smith, William W., 51
Smoking, 37
Sole leather, 37
South Association of Litchfield, 49
South Settlement, 43
Southwick, Henry, 31
Spire, 49
Spirituous liquors, distilling of, 37
Squatter right, 39
Squatter rights, 40
St. John's Church, 29
Starr, Elnathan S., 3
Starr, Julius I., 3
State Legislature, 33, 35
State officers, 15
Still, 37
Stone Ridge, 17
Store, 6
Stratton Farm, 40
Stratton, William DeWitt, 46
Strong, A., 49
Strong, Austin, 30, 31, 32, 33, 49, 50, 51
Sturges, Daniel, 40
Sullivan County, 13, 15, 16, 31, 32, 33, 43, 45
Sullivan County Whig, 5
Sullivan, Hunters of, 39
Supervisor, 3
Supervisors, 32
Supervisors of Sullivan County, 33
Supervisors of the Town of Fallsburgh, 51
Supervisors, Board of, 45
Supreme Court, 28, 45
Surveyor, 30
Sweat pits, 37
Swine, 5
Sycamore, IL, 29
Tanner, 7
Tannersdale, 32, 39
Tannery, 32, 37
Tannery boarding house, 37
Tannery, Fallsburgh, 38
Tanning, 2, 32
Tanning vats, 37
Tappan, John, 4, 47
Tappen, John, 30
Tappen, William, 30
Tartary, Russian, 48
Tavern, 40, 41
Tax sales, 36
Taxation, 3
Taxation of adjacent property for turnpike, 36
Teamster, 17
Temperance, 19
TenEyck, J. B., Rev., 47
TenEyck, R. B., Rev., 48
Testimony traditionary, 28
Thompson, 46
Thompson, Alexander, Jr., 35
Thompson, Town of, 2, 3, 30, 32, 41, 43
Thompson, William A., 5, 30, 40, 46
Thompsonville, 5, 7, 30, 40, 42, 46
Timlow, William, Rev., 47
Tories, 9
Tow frock, 43
Town Clerk, 3
Town meeting, first, 3
Town of Fallsburgh, 2, 17, 34, 41, 43, 51
Town of Liberty, 2, 17, 43, 44
Town of Lockwood proposed, 36
Town of Mamakating, 2, 34, 40
Town of Neversink, 2, 6, 17, 40
Town of Nevisink, 2
Town of Rochester, 8
Town of Rockland, 6, 17, 19
Town of Thompson, 2, 30, 32, 36, 41, 43
Trapping bears, method of, 38
Traps, the, 31
Treasurer, County, 33
Tremain, Israel P., 28
Trustee of the Town of Rochester, 8
Trustees of Rochester, 8
Turner, Benjamin, 49
Turner, Cornelius, 4, 6
Turners, Isaac, 5
Turning shop, 19, 37
Turnpike, 32
Turnpike road, 31
Tyrrel, Albert, 49
Tyrrel, Nelson, 49
Ulster and Orange Branch Turnpike Company, 35
Ulster County, 2, 6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 43, 44
Ulster County Militia, 30
Ulster County, as source of immigrants, 3
Ulster Plebeian, 4
Undrugged whiskey, 37
Universalist, 46
Upham, author of "Deranged Mental Faculties", 27
Upper Neversink, 29
Valley of the Neversink, 10
Valuation, 3
VanBenschoten, Aaron, 4, 10, 12
VanBenschoten, Garret, 4, 10
VanBenschoten, Garret, death of, 4
Vanbenschoten, John A., 26
VanBenschoten, John G., 14
VanBenschoten, William H., 10
VanBenschoten's house as site of inquest, 13
VanBuren, John, 28
Vanderveer, F. H., Rev., 49
VanKeuren, Levi, 35
VanLeuven family, 4
VanLeuven, Peter, 6
Vegetables, 19
Vernooy, surveyor of Beekman purchase, 10
Village of Liberty, 23
Village of Neversink, 8
Wallkill Bridge, 31
Walpack, 48
War of the Revolution, 3, 9
Waring, Philander, 39
Washington, DC, 45
Washington, General, 43
Water power, 2, 32, 35
Watkins, John D., Dr., 23
Wawarsing, 9, 35
Wells, James S., 25
Wells, John, 49
Wells, William, 28
Wesley, John, followers of, 43
West, Samuel, 28
Western Country, 35
Weston, Horace, Rev., 36, 50
Wheat, 4
Wheat, price of, 7
Wheeler, Albert W., 34
Wheeler, David, 34
Wheeler, David C., 34
Whig, Rufus Palen as a, 38
Whirlwind, as cause of piety of Cornelius Hardenbergh, 19
Whiskey, undrugged, 37
White Lake Presbyterian Church, 50
Willey, Abijah, 13
Wolves, 41, 42, 46
Wood, Simon K., 4
Woodbourne, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 16, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34
Woodbourne, name of, 31
Worden brothers, 6
Wright, William B., 28, 33
Wurtsborough, 41
Wurtz, Jacob, Dr., 20
Wyncoop family, 16
Wyncoop, Cornelia, 16
Wyncoop, grandmother, 17
Wynkoop title, 9
Wynkoop tract, 8
Wynkoop, title of land, 6
Yaple, John, 10
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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury. Questions about us or about our products? Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page. |