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INDEX of the Town of Fallsburgh excerpts
Compiled by Between the Lakes Group, 2003
(Page numbers refer to pages in this excerpt, not in the Child book)
"Champion of the World" liniment, 14
"old Boz", 6
Adams, John T., 11
Adriance, Platt & Co., 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24
Agent, 18
Agricultural tools, 21
Amhurst, Gen., 6
Andrews, Eunice, Mrs., 11
Andrews, Francis W., Rev., 11
Apple seeds, 5
Armstrong, John B., 11
Armstrong, John, Jr., 11
Assessor, 3, 13, 14
Attorney, 16, 17
Attorney at law, 15
Atwell, Henry, 11
Atwell, John, 11
Atwell, Merritt, 11
Atwell, Sheldon, 11
Auchmoody, Blake, 11
Auchmoody, William I., 11
Avery, Amos, 11
Avery, John A., 11
Avery, John L., 11
Bagley, Peter, 11
Bagley, R. G., Jr., 11, 17
Baker brothers as first permanent settlers, 5
Baker, Henry A., 11
Baker, William A., 11
Ballston, Saratoga County, 6
Bankruptcy, 15, 16
Barfoot, John, 11
Barlow, Warren, 3
Barns, 24
Barry, Robert, 11
Baxter, Andrew B., 11
Beardsley, Elijah H., 11
Bears, as early residents of the town, 7
Beaver Pond, 9
Bed posts, 15
Beech Wood, 11
Bell, John, 11
Bennett, Adam J., 11
Bennett, Joel, 11
Benson, R. G., 11
Bernard, William, 11
Berrigan, John, 11
Bertholf, William, 11
Bethel, Town of, 4
Bigler, Conrad, 11
Black Brook, 9
Black Lake, 4
Black, Ann, Mrs., 11
Black, John, 11
Blacksmith, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Blacksmith shop, 3, 4
Blacksmiths, 14
Blacksmiths' hardware, 21
Blank books, 22
Blankets, 13
Bonnell, D. R., 23
Bonnell, Daniel R., 11
Book Store, 15
Books, blank, 22
Bookstore, 11
Boot and shoe maker, 12
Boot and shoemaker, 15
Boot maker, 23
Bootmaker, 19
Boots, 14, 15, 16, 18
Bowers, Alfred, 13
Boyl, Owen, 13
Brewer, George, 13
Brick layer, 17
Brick maker, 18
Brick yard, 19
Bridles, 12
Broadhead, Wm. F., 9
Broband, John, 13
Brome, Francis M., 13
Brome, R. James, 13
Brome, Robert, 13
Brome, Samuel, 13
Broom, Chas., 13, 15
Brown Pond, 3
Brown, James, 3
Brown, James S., 13
Brown, Mary A., Mrs., 13
Brown, Obediah, 5
Brown, Samuel, 5, 13
Brown, Seth G., 13
Brown, Thaddeus, 5
Brown, Walter S., Rev., 13
Brush, Mr., 5
Brushes, 22
Brushes, Mr., 6
Buchanan, Mary, Mrs., 13
Buck saw frames, 15
Buckeye Mower, 11
Buckeye Mower and Self-raking Reaper, 15
Buckeye Mower and Self-Raking Reaper, 14, 18, 19, 24
Budd, Daniel, 13
Budd, Job, 13
Budd, Thaddeus, 13
Budd, Thomas, 13
Buggies, 20
Builder, 18, 19
Builders' hardware, 21
Bullock, Edgar, 13
Burnham, John L., 13
Bush, Obadiah H., 13
Bushkill Creek, 9
Butcher, 13, 15
Butterfass, John C., 13
Cabinet and chair manufacturer, 18
Cabinet manufacturer, 12
Cabinet shop, 4
Calkins, A. B. H., 13
Calkins, Daniel J., 13
Calkins, John, 13
Calkins, Thomas, 13
Callicoon Depot, 11
Candies, 16
Canfield, David, 13
Cantine, Nathaniel, M.D., 13
Carley House, 13
Carley, Mary A., Mrs., 13
Carley, R. W., 13
Carley's Hotel, 4
Carly, Oliver, 13
Carpenter, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Carpenter, Benjamin A., 13
Carpenter, Edward, 9
Carriage and sleigh manufacturer, 14
Carriage ironer, 17
Carriage maker, 18
Carriage makers, 14
Carriage painting, 20
Carriage trimmer, 14
Carriage trimming, 20
Carriages, 20
Catholic Church, 4
Caton, William, 13
Cauthers, Henry A., 13
Centerville, 24
Centerville Station, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23
Chair maker, 15
Chair manufacturer, 12, 18
Cheese factory, 4
Cheesemaker, 23
Childs, Timothy, 6
Church, first, 8
Church, German Catholic, 8
Church, M. E., 3, 4
Cider mill, 18
Cigar maker, 14
Cigar manufactory, 3
Clark, Joseph R., 13
Clark, Michael, 13
Clark, Mr., 6
Clemmons, Jane L., Mrs., 13
Clothing, 16
Coddington, M. D. P., 13
Cokelet, John P., 13
Cole, William B., 13
Collars, 12
Collector, 3
Combs, 19
Commissioner, 14
Commissioner of Common Schools, 3
Commissioner of Highways, 3
Conklin, Edmund H., 13
Conkling, Charles E., 13
Connecticut, 5, 6
Constable, 3, 11, 15, 18
Copper ware, 21
Cordage, 21
Corwin, Albert L., 12, 13
Couch, Daniel, 3
Couch, Friend S., 13
Couch, James B., 13
Counselor at law, 15, 16
Cox, Lydia, Mrs., 13
Cox, Thomas, 13
Craft, Henry C., 13
Craft, Wm. Edwin, 13
Crawford, John, 3
Crockery, 14, 15
Cross, Moses H., 13
Cudney, Cornelius, 13
Cudney, Geo. W., 13, 18
Culligan, John, 13
Culligan, Michael, 13
Cumminsky, Michael, 13
Curlett, Clement, 13
Cutler, Thomas, 13
Cutler, Wm. H., 13
Cutlery, 21
Cypert, Daniel, 13
Dairy, 14
Dairying, 3, 4
Dairyman, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Davis, Henry, 13
Davis, Henry P., 13
Davis, Robert W., 13
Davis, Simon P., 13
Dayton, _____, 13
Dealer, 13
Dealer in dry goods, 14, 18
Dealer in groceries, 15
Dealer in real estate, 11
Dean, Johnson, 13
Degolyar, Ebenezer, 13
Delaware, Town of, 11
Denman, Henry, 13
Denniston, Edward B., 13
Denniston, Enoch, 13
Denniston, John G., 13
Denniston, Walter S., 13
Dennistons Ford, 5
Dentistry, 22
Depuy, Darius, 13
Depuy, David B., 13
Depuy, Ira, 13
Depuy, Jacob B., 13
DePuy, John H., 6
Depuy, Josiah, 3
Depuy, Josiah, Major, 6
Depuy, Levi, 13
Devoe, Abram, 13
Devoe, Edgar A., 13
Dewitt & Johnson, 15
DeWitt, Abram, 14
DeWitt, James, 14
Dickinson, Mr., as a miller, 6
Dii, Lewis, 14
Dill, Lewis, 14
Dill, Lewis, Mrs., 14
Director, N. Y. & O. M. R. R., 18
District school, 3
Divine, David H., 14
Divine, John H., 14
Divine, Joseph, 6
Divines Corners, 6
Divine's Corners, 4, 14, 15, 17
Dixon, Joel C., 14
Donaldson, William, 14, 15
Downes, Polly M., Mrs., 14
Downey, James, 14
Downey, Morris, 14
Drake, Ira R., 9
Drake, James R., 9
Drake, Stephen C., 9
Drake, Zephaniah, 9
Drenon, James, 14
Dress goods, 16
Dressmaker, 15, 19
Drew, Cornelius, 14
Droste, P., Rev., 8
Drover, 18
Drug store, 22
Drugs, 15, 16, 22
Dry goods, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Dry goods, dealer in, 14
Dutcher, Alfred, 14
Dutcher, Arthur M., 14
Dutcher, John R., 14
Dutcher, Maria, Mrs., 14
Dutchess County, 5, 6
Early, Ellen, Mrs., 14
East Pond, 3
Eating saloon, 13
Edwards, David, 14
Edwards, Garret, 14
Edwards, Nathaniel, 14
Eidel, Michael, 14
Ellenville, 15, 19, 24
Ellenville stage route, 23
Eller, Cornelius D., 3, 14
Eller, Jacob, 14
Eller, John, 3
Eller, Peter H., 14
Elliott, John, 14
Elmira, 18
Elmore, Willard, 14
Empire Temperance House, 14
Entertainments, public, 24
Erie R. R., 9
Ernhout, James, 14
Estey Organ, 23
Evans, John E., 14
Everts, Daniel, 14
Express Agent, 17
Fairfield County, 6
Falls Mill, 11
Falls of the Neversink, 6
Falls, dimensions of, 3
Falls, the, 5
Fallsburgh, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23
Fallsburgh Carriage Manufactory, 20
Fallsburgh Custom and Flouring Mill, 14, 18, 19
Fallsburgh Light Carriage and Sleigh Manufactory, 3
Fallsburgh Mill, 6
Fallsburgh Station, 4
Fallsburgh Village, 3
Fallsburgh, as site of early tannery, 3
Fallsburgh, formation of, 3
Fallsburgh, NY, 12
Fallsburgh, size of, 3
Fallsburgh, Town of, 3, 11
Fancy Jumpers, 20
Farm, 4
Farmer, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Farming utensils, 16
Farquhar, James, 14
Feed, 16
Ferden, Peter, 5
Fibbs, John M., 14
Finey, William, 14
Finley, _____, 14
Fire at Sandburgh Tannery, 3
First M. E. Church of Fallsburgh, 8
Fishing tackle, 14
Flagler, Nicholas, 14, 15, 18
Flood of 1796 or 1797, 5
Flour, 16
Forestburgh, Town of, 9
Fradenburgh, Jacob, 14
Freer, Alexander, 14
Freer, Henry W., 14
French War, 6
Fruit trees planted by early settlers, 5
Fulton, Philip F., 14
Fuse, 21
Galloway, Alex., Jr., 14
Galloway, Alexander, 14
Gardner, Chas. L., 14
Gardner, Ezekiel W., 14
Gardner, Henry C., 14
Gardner, J. R., 13
Gardner, J. R. & Son, 14
Gardner, James B., 14, 20
Gardner, James D., 14
Gardner, James O., 14
Gardner, James R., 14
Gardner, Jas. B., 3
Gardner, John O., 14
Gardner, Mark N., 14
Gardner, Richard, 14
Gavaghan, Anthony, 14
Geideman, Catharina, 14
Geideman, George H., 14
General agent, 23
General blacksmith, 17
General merchant, 18, 19
General merchants, 17
German, Jane, Mrs., 14
Germans, as early settlers, 5
Gillett, Cyrus B., 14
Gillett, Joseph A., 14
Gillett, Reuben R., 14
Gillett, Seth, 5
Glen Wild, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Glen Wild M. E. Church, 9
Glennon, Margaret, Mrs., 14
Gold pencils, 15
Gold pens, 15
Gordon's Gazetteer, 3
Gorton, George, 14
Gorton, John, 6, 14
Gorton, John C., 14
Grahamsville, 24
Grahamsville stage route, 23
Grain, 16
Grant, Benjamin, 22
Grant, Ephraim, 5
Grant, Joshua, 5
Grant, Joshua, Jr., 5
Grant, Mrs., 5
Grant, Nathan, 5
Grant, Thomas, 5
Grant, William, 5
Gray, Abram, 14
Gray, Milton L., 14
Gray, Oliver, 14
Green, Nathaniel, 9
Greenwich Street, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24
Grist mill, 3, 4, 5, 11
Groceries, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Grosh, Joseph, 14
Gundlach, Casper, 14
Hahn, Frank, 14
Hair Brushes, 19
Hait, Joseph W., 14
Hall, 24
Hammond, John, 14
Hammond, Reuben D., 15
Hand Book of Erie R. R., 9
Hanlon, Edward, 15
Hanlon, James, 15
Hardenbergh, Augustus, 15
Hardenbergh, Herman M., 3
Hardenbergh, Herman R., 15
Hardenbergh, Josiah F., 15
Hardenbergh, Thomas, 15
Hardenbergh, Thomas R., 3
Hardenburgh Patent, 6
Hardware, 14, 15, 17, 21
Hardware, shelf, 16
Harness, 12, 13
Harness shop, 3, 4
Harp, Rebecca, Mrs., 15
Hartwill, E., 9
Hasbrouck, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Hasbrouck Custom Mill, 4, 17
Hasbrouck, Abraham, 15
Hasbrouck, Benjamin B., 15
Hasbrouck, Isaiah, 15
Hasbrouck, Jane, Miss, 18
Hearse, 12
Hendrixon, Elizabeth, Mrs., 15
Hendrixon, George, 15
Henyan, Richard, 15
Herbison, Robert, 15
Hill Pond, 3
Hill, Albert, 15
Hill, Edmund, 15
Hill, Gordie, 15
Hill, James, 5
Hill, John, 3
Hill, Uriah, 6
Hill, Wm., 3
Hodgkins, Zebulon, 15
Holmes, Hancy I., Mrs., 15
Holmes, Henry C., 15
Holy Trinity (German Catholic) Church, 8
Hommel, Philander, 15
Homowack, 19
Horse rake maker, 14
Hotel, 3, 4, 19
Houghtaling, Edward, 15
Houghtaling, James, 15
Houghtaling, Tunis, 15
Houghtaling, William, 15
Howard, James M., 15
Howes, Benjamin, 15
Hughs, Richard, 15
Hulse, Brewster O., 15
Hulse, N. D., 15
Hurleyville Station, 5
Husted, J. Napier, Rev., 8
Hyde, Sanfod M., 15
Hyde, Sanford & Co., 15
Hyde, Sanford M., 15
Inspector of Common Schools, 3
Ireland, 5
Iron, 21
Isaac Wood's Saw Mill, 4
J. R. Gardner & Sons, 14
Jarr, Archibald, 5
Jeffersonville, 11
Jelliff, Curtis B., 15
Jelliff, Reuben R., 15, 16
Jobbing, 15
Jocolyn, Mary A., Mrs., 15
Johnson, John, 15
Johnson, William, 14, 15
Joiner, 15, 19, 23
Jones, Benjamin, 15
Jones, Joseph D., 15
Jones, Robert L., 15
Jumpers, 20
Justice of the Peace, 13, 14, 19
Keef, Michael, 15
Kelley, Charles S., 15
Kelley, Daniel, 15
Kersey, William, 15
Ketchum, Joanthan B., 9
Kidney, Albert, 15
Kile, Benjamin, 15
Kile, J. C., 15
Kile, Joseph S., 15
Kimball & Williams, 15, 23
Kimball, George R., 15
King, John, 15
King, Michael, 15
Kirschbaum, William D., 15
Kisor, Nicholas, 15
Knapp, Benj. C., 15
Knapp, Isaac C., 15
Knapp, Thomas J., 15
Kneip, John, 12, 15
Kniffin, George W., 15
Kniffin, John K., 15
Kniffin, Maria, Mrs., 15
Kniffin, Nathaniel W., 15
Kniffin, William, 15
Knoth, Peter, 15
Knox, George, 15
Knox, John T., 15
Kortright, Abram, 15, 17
Kortright, Cornelius, 15
Kortright, George, 15
Kortright, John, 15
Kortright, Lawrence, 17
Kortright, Obadiah, 17
Labagh, Abram B., 17
Labagh, Euphemia, 17
Labagh, George McC., 17
Ladies' dress goods, 16
Laidelow, Geo. W., 17
Lamp fixtures, 22
Lamps, 22
Lath, 12, 19
Lath mill, 23
Lawrence, Benjamin T., 17
Lawrence, Catharine, 17
Lawrence, Charlotte, Mrs., 17
Lawrence, Geo. W., 17
Lawrence, Henry W., 17
Lawrence, John H., 17
Lawrence, Peter E., 17
Lawrence, Thomas, 3
Lawrence, William H., 17
Lawyer, 19
Leroy, Garrett, 17
Leroy, James D., 17
LeRoy, John R., 17
LeRoy, Riley R., 17
Lewis, as owner of Winand land, 11
Lewis, Zephaniah N., 8
Liberty, 4, 8, 11, 13, 17, 21, 22, 24
Liberty Falls, 14, 18, 23
Liberty Hardware Store, 21
Liberty Street, 21, 22
Libolt, Ezekiel, 17
Liniment, manufacturer of, 14
Livery, 17
Livery stable, 23
Loch Sheldrake, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Loch Sladrake (sic), 17
Lockwood, E. A. Miss, 17
Logan, David, 17
Logan, Hugh, 17
Loon, John, 17
Loring, Jemima, Mrs., 17
Low, Benjamin, 17
Low, Ephraim, 17
Low, Jonathan W., 17
Low, Joshua, 17
Ludington, Harley R., 3
Ludington, Philip C., 3
Lukens, Derrick, 17
Lumber, 12, 16, 18, 19, 23
Lumber manufacturer, 11, 13, 17, 18, 23
Lumber sleighs, 11
Lumbering, 3, 4
Lumberman, 15, 17, 19
Lupton, Peter B., 17
Lynch, Barney, 17
Lynch, Catharine, 17
Lynch, Ellen, Mrs., 17
Lynch, John T., 17
Lynch, Samuel P., 17
Lyon, Joseph, 17
M. E. Church, 3, 4
Mail, 24
Maloney, John, 17
Maloney, Michael, 17
Mamakating, Town of, 9
Manett, James, 17
Manighan, Thomas, 17
Manufacturer, 11
Manufacturer of boots and shoes, 14
Manufacturer of liniment, 14
Manufacturer of lumber, 18, 23
Manufacturer of lumber and lath, 15
Manufacturers of lumber, 18
Marble, Benjamin, 17
Marble, Harvey, 17
Marickle, Samuel, 17
Market, nearest, 6
Marketman, 17
Marthis, William E., 17
Martin, Peter, 17
Mason, 11, 18, 23
Mathews, Michael, 17
Mathis, William E., 17
Maynard, Margaret, 17
McConn, John, 17
McCord, Elias G., 17
McCormick, Patrick, 17
McDivitt, Charles, 17
McDougal, Hugh, 17
McDougal, John, 17
McGrath, John, 17, 18
McIlwein, Samuel, 17
McIntosh, Henry, 17
McLaughlin Bros., 16, 17
McLaughlin, George, 17
McLaughlin, James, 17
Mead, Henry, 3
Meddaugh, Abraham, 17
Medicines, 15, 16, 22
Medlar, John, 17
Medlar, Peter, 17
Merchant, 18, 19, 23
Merchant tailor, 11
Merchants, 17
Merritt, Abner, 17
Merritt, Joseph, 17
Merritt, Madison, 17
Merritt, Martin, 17
Merritt, Martin F., 17
Merritt, Silas, 17
Metz, Anthony, 8, 17
Midland Hotel, 17, 22
Midland R. R., 18
Midland Railroad, 24
Miller, 6, 19
Miller, David, 17
Miller, John, 17
Milliner, 19
Mills, Archibald, 9
Millwright, 6, 15
Minister, 11
Misner, H., 4
Misner, Harrison, 17
Misner, Henry, 3, 6, 17
Misner, James B., 17
Misner, Mr., 6
Misner, Peter, 6
Misner, T., 4
Misner, T. & H., 17
Misner, Tunis, 17
Misner, William, 17
Mitchell, John J., 17
Mitchell's Station, 13
Mitteer, Chas., 18
Mitteer, Darius H., 18
Mitteer. William N., 18
Moffit, Rufus, 18
Mongaup Falls, 9
Mongaup River, 9
Monighan, Thomas, 18
Monticello, 3, 7, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24
Moore, John P., 18
Morgan, Rose, Mrs., 17, 18
Morris, Francis L., 18
Morrison, J. V., 6
Morrston Mills, 4
Morss, M. T., 4, 18, 23
Morton, John, 18
Morton, William R., 18
Muir, David, 18
Muir, Peter, 13, 18
Mulligan, John, 18
Mulligan, Patrick, 18
Murphy, John, 18
Murray, Patrick, 18
Muthig, Francis W., 18
N. Y. & O. M. R. R., 18, 19
N. Y. & O. Midland R. R., 4
N. Y. O. & M. R. R., 14
N. Y. O. & Midland R. R., 5
Nails, 21
Napanoch, Ulster County, NY, 6
Neversink, 14, 15, 17, 19, 24
Neversink River, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
Neversink stage route, 23
Neversink, Town of, 3
New Jersey, 6
New Prospect (Union) Church, 8
New York, NY, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24
Newburgh, 6
Newhall, George W., 18
Newhall, Robert, 18
Nicoll, James, 5
Nimo, Jane, Mrs., 18
Nolan, James, 18
Norris, Jos., 9
Notions, 16
Now, Valentine, 18
Nowlen, Thomas H., 18
Oculist, 23
Officers of the town, first, 3
Oils, 22
Oliver, Richard, 18
O'Neill, Charles, 18
O'Neill, James, 18
O'Neill, John D., Maj., 7
O'Neill, Stafford D., 5
Orange County, 23
Orders by Mail, 24
Original Howe Sewing Machine Improved, 23
Osborn, Harrison, 18
Osborn, Lewis V., 18
Osterhout, Henry, 6
Osterhout, Isaiah D., 12, 18
Overseer of the Poor, 3
Ox yokes, 11
Painter, 14
Paints, 22
Palen & Adams, 3
Palen, Arthur, 15, 18
Palen, Edward, 15, 18
Palen, Edward S., 18
Palen, Flagler & Co., 14, 18
Palen, G. W., estate of, 18
Palmer, John J., 18
Palmer, Robert, 9
Palmer, Robert R., 9
Panther Pond, 9
Patmor, William M., 18
Pease, A., Dr., 22
Pencils, gold, 15
Penny, Beverly, 18
Penny, Charles H., 18
Penny, Elijah, Jr., 18
Pens, gold, 15
Perry, Daniel, 6, 18
Perry, George F., 18
Perry, Marshal, 9
Physician, 13, 15, 18, 23
Pickerel, 9
Pickets, 12, 19
Picks, 21
Pike, 9
Pike Pond, 11
Plasterer, 17
Plattekill, Ulster County, NY, 6
Pocket Books, 19
Pocket knives, 18
Pomeroy, Oliver P., 18
Poor, Overseer of, 3
Population, 3
Port Ewen, 18
Porter, Abraham H., 18
Porter, Catharine, Mrs., 18
Porter, Edwin, 18
Porter, Philo, 9
Porter, Stratton, 18
Post master, 17, 18, 19
Post Office, 4
Postmaster, 14, 18
Powder, 21
Powers, Henry, 18
Prince, Jonathan J., 18
Prince, Nelson H., 18
Produce, 16
Provisions, 14, 15, 17
Public entertainments, 24
Purvis, David J., 18
Quimby, John, 18
Quinlan, James E., 5
Quinlan, John, 18
Ranfeisen, John, Rev., 8
Rawson, Thomas, 5
Razor straps, 18
Razors, 18
Read, Moses, 9
Reading, Richd. A., 3
Ready-made clothing, 16
Red Brick, 14, 18, 19
Redding, Fairfield County, CT, 6
Reed, C. J., 18
Reed, Henry, 5
Reformed Church, 4
Reformed Protestant Dutch church, 8
Repairers, 14
Resident, 11
Revolutionary soldier, 5
Revolutionary War, 5
Rexford, Henry J., 18
Rexford, John M., 18
Rexford, Richard C., 18
Reynolds, Andrew, 18
Reynolds, Andrew J., 18
Reynolds, C. H., Rev., 8
Reynolds, Chas. H., Rev., 9
Reynolds, Hannah, Mrs., 18
Rice, Alexander, 18
Riley, Mary, Mrs., 18
Riley, Thomas, 18
Robinson, David, 18
Robinson, Luther, 18
Robinson, Margaret, Mrs., 18
Rochester, Ulster County, NY, 6
Rockland County, 23
Romer, H. S., 18
Romer, William, 18
Roosa, Robert B., 18, 19
Rosekrans, Alonzo, 18
Ruddick's Pond, 9
Ruggles, Hermon, 5
Rundall, Isaac, Capt., 6
Ryne, Patrick, 18
Saddles, 12, 13
Salesman, 13
Saloon, eating, 13
Sandburgh, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Sandburgh Creek, 4
Sandburgh M. E. Church, 8
Sandburgh, tannery at, 3
Sanford Hyde & Co., 18
Sanford, Hyde & Co., 14
Saratoga County, 6
Saw mill, 3, 4, 13, 19, 23
Saws, 21
Sawyer, 11
Schlafer, Conrad, 19
Schlafer, Conrad, Jr., 19
Schlafer, George, 19
Schmitt, Eva, Mrs., 19
Schmitt, John, 8
School districts, 3
School, district, 3, 4
School, select, 3
Schools, Common, Commissioner of, 3
Schools, Common, Inspector of, 3
Schoonmaker, E. D. P., 19
Schoonmaker, James, 19
Schoonmaker, Martin, 19
Schoonmaker, William, 19
Schraner, Anthony, 19
Schroeder, Jacob, 19
Schuhmann, Nicholas, 19
Scissors, 18
Scoop maker, 15
Scotland, 5
Scott, George, 19
Scott, John H., 19
Seaman, Alfred, 19
Seaman, Benjamin, 19
Seaman, Elisha J., 19
Seaman, John, 19
Seaman, Joseph A., 19
Sears, George E., 19
Seeley, Abner, 6
Seeley, Horace, 6
Seeley, Horace W., 19
Seeley, James, 19
Seeley, Oliver, 6, 19
Seely, Col., 6, 7
Select school, 3
Sengstacken, John, 19
Sewell, Charles W., 19
Shears, 18
Sheet iron ware, 21
Sheldrake House, 18, 19
Sheldrake Pond, 3, 4
Shelf hardware, 16
Sherlock, Mary, 19
Shoe maker, 23
Shoe shop, 4
Shoemaker, 11, 14, 17, 19
Shoes, 14, 15, 16, 18
Shovels, 21
Simpson, Daniel, 19
Simpson, James, 19
Simpson, John F., 19
Simpson, Lorenzo, 19
Simpson, Wm., 19
Sleigh maker, 14
Sleigh manufacturer, 14
Sleighs, 20
Sleighs, lumber, 11
Sloat, Alex. C., 3
Smith Pond, 3
Smith, Andrew M., 19
Smith, Augustus, 19
Smith, Daniel U., 19
Smith, Horace J., 12, 19
Smith, Jabez, 19
Smith, John H, estate of, 19
Smith, John H., estate of, 19
Smith, Oliver T., 19
Smith, Samuel D., 19
Smith, Sarah C., 19
Smith, Susan B., Miss, 19
Smith, Thomas H., 19
Smith, William W., 19
Snyder, Stephen, 19
Soliciter in bankruptcy, 15
Solicitor in Bankruptcy, 16
Sparling, Lewis D., 19
Stabling, 24
Stage route, 23
Stages, 24
Stanton, Truman J., 19
Starr, Elnathan S., 3
Starr, Julius I., 3
Station agent, 11, 17, 19
Steel, 21
Stelwell, James N., 19
Stelwell, John, 19
Stewart, Rev., as one of earliest preachers, 8
Stock dealer, 15, 17
Stock drover, 18
Stock grower, 15, 17
Stock raiser, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23
Stoddard, Elisha, 19
Stoddard, Phineas, 19
Stone cutter, 17
Stone mason, 19
Stone quarry, 4, 13
Store, 4, 9, 11, 16
Stores, 3
Stoves, 15, 21
Stratton, David, 19
Stratton, George, 19
Stratton, Orson, 19
Stratton, William B., 19
Strong, Alfred, 19
Strong, Austin, 3, 19
Strong, Isaiah, 23
Sullivan County, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24
Supervisor, 3
Supervisor of Town, 19
Surgeon, 13, 18, 23
T. & H. Misner, 17
Table legs, 15
Tagget, Andrew M., 9
Tailor, merchant, 11
Tanner, 18
Tanneries, 9
Tannery, 4, 11
Tannery at Sandburgh, 3
Tanning, 3
Tanning business, decline of, 8
Tappen, Richard P., 19
Tappen, William H., 19
Tapping, John, 5
Tarket, Mary A., Mrs., 19
Teachers, 3
Teamster, 14
Telegraph operator, 15, 18
Temperance, 3
Terwilliger, Catherine, Mrs., 19
Terwilliger, Henry, 19
Thompson, Abigail J., Mrs., 19
Thompson, Town of, 3, 9
Thompsonville, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Thunder Hill, 5, 6
Tice, George W., 19
Ties, 16
Tin Shop, 4
Tin ware, 21
Tinware, 15
Todd, John, 19
Toll gate keeper, 14
Toohey, Michael, 19
Tools, 21
Town Clerk, 3, 15
Town collector, 18
Town officers, 3
Toys, 16
Trestle, railroad, 5
Trout, 9
Trunks, 13
Tunnel, railroad, 5
Turned stuff, 12, 19
Turner, Nelson, 19
Turner, William, 19
Turning shop, 4
Tyrrell, Isaac B., 19
U. S. Express Agent, 17
Ulster County, 6, 18, 19, 23
Undertaker, 12, 18
Union Church, 8
Unkenholz, Henry, 19
Unkenholz, John, 19
Upham, Edward, 19
Utter & Palen, 18
VanBenschoten, Aaron, 6
VanBenschoten, Albert, 19
VanBenschoten, Garrett, 6
VanBenschoten, John A., 19
VanBenschoten, William, 19
VanBenschoten, Wm. H., 19
VanBurken, Benedict, 11
Vanderlyn, Edward, 23
Vandervort, John, 11
VanInwegen, Josiah, 23
VanKeuren, Austin S., 23
VanLeuven, Peter, 5
VanNorden, Henry, 23
Vantren, Barney W., 23
Velie, John, 23
Velie, Joshua, 23
Velie, Samuel H., 23
VerNooy, Benjamin, 23
Veterinary surgeon, 15
Vredenburgh, Isaac, 23
W. & G. Strong, 15
W. & G. Strong's, 18, 19
W. & G. Strong's Book and Toy Store, 14
W. & G. Strong's Book Store, 11, 24
Waalau, Jacob, 11
Wagner, Christian, 11
Wagner, Geo., 11
Wagner, Henry, Jr., 23
Wagner, Lewis, 11
Wagner, Wm., 11
Wagon and carriage maker, 18
Wagon maker, 14, 15
Wagon makers, 14
Wagon shop, 4
Wahl, Peter, 11
Waldorf, John H., 23, 24
Wales, B. G., 11
Wales, Gideon, 11
Wales, John, 21
Walker, Edward J., 11
Walker, James, 23
Wall paper, 22
Walter, John, 11
Warren, Andrew, 23
Warren, Levi, 23
Warring, Abram, 5
Warring, Amy, Mrs., 23
Warring, Philander, 7
Warring, William C., 23
Waterhouse, Dr., 6
Weber, William, 11
Weed, Wm. L., 11
Weintz, Christian, 11
Weintz, John, 11
Weis, John, 11
Weiss, Earnest, 23
Welek, Peter, 11
Wells, John, 23
Werlau, John, Sen., 11
Werlau, Peter, 11
Westchester County, 5
Weston, Horace, Rev., 8
Whaley, Wm. A., 23
Wheat, Edrie & Son, 11
Wheat, Elbridge, 23
Wheeler, George, 23
Whips, 12, 13
Whitaker, Joseph, Rev., 8
Whittaker, Henry, 23
Whittaker, Robert, 23
Williams, C. C., 23
Williams, John K., 9
Williams, R. F., M. D., 23
Williams, William, 15, 23
Wilson, Andrew S., 23
Wilson, George S., 23
Wilson, John, 23
Wilson, Robert, 23
Winand, Jacob, 11
Window paper, 22
Wingert, Henry, 11
Wintergreen oil, 15
Witt & Johnson, 14
Wizemann, Gottleib, 11
Wold, John, Jr., 11
Wolf, John, 11
Wood, 16
Wood turner, 13, 14, 19
Wood, George, 23
Wood, Isaac, 23
Wood, John, 23
Woodbourne, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24
Woodbourne Creamery, 18, 23
Woodbourne House, 23, 24
Woodbourne Reformed Church, 13
Wormuth, Alfred D., 11
Wormuth, Stephen, 11
Yaple, John I., 23
Yirgens, Andrew, 23
Yokes, ox, 11
York, Timothy, Mrs., 23
Young, William H., 23
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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury. Questions about us or about our products? Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page. |