We are happy to offer our first items of genealogy and
local history from Wayne
County, NY, and we plan to offer additional items of historical interest soon.
Wayne County material that's now available: |
Hamilton Child's 1867-68 Gazetteer and Business Directory of Wayne County, New York is an important book of Wayne County history and genealogy. In terms of detailed information about the towns and their inhabitants in the years immediately following the Civil War, it's probably the most important. We previously made this treasure trove available on CD-ROM, and it had become unavailable when we eliminated our CD-ROM line. Now, however, we're re-published this volume as a download at a considerable savings. Please CLICK HERE to go to a page with more information about it.
We also offer as a download, in PDF format, the Wayne County, NY chapter from French's Gazetteer of the State of New York (1860). This important gazetteer -- to which Child acknowledges his debt in Child's Gazetteer of Wayne County, slightly less than a decade later -- provides a very useful capsule view of Wayne County, minus the advertisements, minus the lists of businesses and people you will find in Child, and as noted, a few critically important years earlier. You may want to order the Child's Gazetteer CD-ROM, and while you're waiting for the mail, download this 8 page chapter from French's Gazetteer and get started. The following Wayne County localities are mentioned in boldface in this chapter: Arcadia, Newark, Fairville, Marbletown, Jessups Corners, Hydeville, Butler, South Butler, West Butler, Westbury, Butler Center, Galen, Clyde, Lock Berlin, Angelis Corners, Meadville, Huron, North Huron, South Huron, Port Glascow, Lyons, Alloway, Macedon, Macedon Center, Marion, Ontario, Ontario Center, Furnace Village, New Boston, Palmyra, East Palmyra, Rose, Rose Valley, Wayne Center, Glenmark Falls, Savannah, Sodus, Sodus Point, Sodus Center, South Sodus, Alton, Joy, Walworth, West Walworth, Williamson, Pultneyville, East Williamson, Wolcott, and Red Creek. The Wayne County chapter from French's Gazetteer of the State of New York (1860). 8+ pages, PDF format, download now for $2.50.
Wayne County chapter from Mather & Brockett's Geographical History of the State of New York (1848). A dozen years before French's Gazetteer, and nearly 20 years before Child's Gazetteer. Brief; just four pages -- more or less the usual length of an upstate county portrait in Mather & Brockett, and an important part of the historical record. In addition, we include the section on land grants and patents in New York State. 4++ pages, in PDF format, download now for $2.50.
Charity in New York State in 1906: Wayne County The New York State Board of Charities produced a three volume survey of state, county, local, and private charitable facilities in New York State for the year of 1906. We have collected the pages in that three volume set that pertain to Wayne County and are happy to bring it to you as a download. It's a remarkable 96 pages long, and is available as a download in PDF format for $3.50.
See also:
Hotchkin's History of
Western New York State, available as a download. See also: relevant material in the NYS Canal Commissioners Report for 1878 available for download on our New York State Miscellany page. |
Wayne County items
currently awaiting publication:
Wayne County was separated from Ontario and Seneca Counties in 1823. You may also want to consult our Ontario County page and our Seneca County page for locations that may have been affected by this transaction. |
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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury. Questions about us or about our products? Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page. |