We are happy to offer our first items of genealogy and local history from Monroe County, NY, and the City of Rochester. We plan to continue to build our offerings in this county in the near future. |
Now Available for Download |
East High School, Rochester, NY, The Mediannus for January 1918. High school yearbooks are under-appreciated as historical documents. Created as they are by “new eyes” for which every event is occurring for the first time, they tend to capture the era in which they are produced with a vision that older, more sage observers lack. As one of the earliest yearbooks we have published to date, this one deserves special attention. As we have noted with yearbooks a quarter century or so newer, in this case there is a war on – and a war that defied the imagination of the American public. You will see evidence (such as the “Already Enlisted” page) that will bear this out. And sometimes they don’t. We have an added cultural difference of note as well: this is a January graduating class yearbook. Classes graduate in January rather rarely today; reasons why such a class may have existed back in Rochester in 1918 are a subject to explore. 100+ pages in PDF format, download now for $4.25.
The Monroe County chapter in Mather & Brockett's Geographical History of the State of New York (1848). Considering that the City of Rochester is included in this chapter, we think that the authors gave Monroe County rather short shrift by devoting only five pages, including the map, to the county. Nonetheless, it's still an important part of the historic record. We've also added the section on land grants and patents underlying the counties of New York State. 5++ pages, in PDF format, download now for $2.00.
The Monroe County chapter from French's Gazetteer of the State of New York (1860). Here is a look at Monroe County a bit over a decade after Mather & Brockett's treatment of the subject. The localities mentioned in boldface in this chapter are: Rush, East Rush, North Rush, Genesee Valley R. R. Junction, Sweden, Brockport, Sweden Center, West Sweden, Union, Webster, West Webster, Wheatland, Scottsville, Mumford, Garbuttsville, Wheatland Center, and, of course, Rochester. This chapter also includes a view of the Genesee River falls at Rochester. 13+ pages, in PDF format, download now for $3.00.
Charity in New York State in 1906: State Institutions. This chapter from volume II of the Annual Report of the State Board of Charities for the year 1906 contains a section about the State Agricultural and Industrial school, located in Industry, Monroe County, NY. See our New York State Miscellany page for more information about this chapter.
Charity in New York State in 1906: Monroe County. We are in the process of republishing county sections of volume II of the Annual Report of the State Board of Charities for the year 1906. The material will be of interest to local historians who wish a better picture of charitable institutions in their locale a century ago, to genealogists and family historians interested in the people who administered charity back then as well as how any unfortunates housed in these facilities may have lived, and to those who have questions about the now-politicized "safety net" for the unfortunates in our society back in those years. This section addresses the public and private charities in Monroe County (including the City of Rochester) in 1906 that were registered with the State Board of Charities. 20+ pages, in PDF format, download now for $2.50.
See also:
Hotchkin's History of
Western New York State, available on CD-ROM.
See also: Noted
Women of the Genesee Country by Mary
Hotchkin Hoag (undated).
See also: relevant material in the NYS Canal Commissioners
Report for 1878 available for download on our
New York State Miscellany page. |
Monroe County was separated from Genesee and Ontario Counties in 1821. You may also want to consult our Genesee County page and our Ontario County page for locations that may have been affected by this transaction. |
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