History of Ware, Massachusettsby Arthur Chase. 294 pages, including index, plus many good quality photographs of this Hampshire County, MA community. This is an impressive town history, published as it was (in 1911) by the Cambridge University Press and authored at the request of the Town sesquicentennial committee by Fr. Chase, who was the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church. The volume includes abundant of source documents, so it's not just one man's opinion. We think getting this one out and available to the history and genealogy community should be a priority -- and so do several others who have told us that we need to publish this one. Sorry!! We've cancelled this project Here's why: Our real objective at Between the Lakes Group is to make material readily and inexpensively available to those interested in genealogy and local history. We charge for most of our downloads because we do have costs to cover. At the time we acquired thisthat book, it was not otherwise available except from rare book dealers. Now, however, one of the mega projects scanning old books has scanned this one and made it aailable as a free download -- you can easily locate it on Google. We recommend that you download it there. We're leaving our scan of the index from the book here, though, so you can easily tell if the book includes the subject matter you are looking for.
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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury. Questions about us or about our products? Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page. |