Indiana material that is currently available:
Cold Cheer at Camp Morton – Prisoners of War in the Civil War
Century Magazine,
Volumes 41 & 42 (1891).
Camp Morton, located in
Indianapolis, Indiana, was actually one of the better and more humane
POW facilities of the Civil War, contemporary historians tell us.
Regardless, by modern standards POWs were not treated well there, and in
this set of articles, we have an initial report by a former prisoner,
John A. Wyeth, MD, with an official rebuttal following in the next
issue, with a rejoinder by Dr. Wyeth. It’s interesting that this series
of articles originally appeared in 1891, more than 20 years after the
war ended. 32+ pages, PDF format, download now for $3.75.
Fountain County's Activities in the
World War
Patriotic fervor in the United States probably reached its peak during World
War I, and this 80+ page book illustrates it well -- and contains
substantial resources for the genealogist as well. It is available
both on CD-ROM and as a download.
CLICK HERE for more information.
Catholic Families in Kentucky
This CD-ROM includes two important sources
about the many Roman Catholics that
emigrated from Maryland to Kentucky following the American Revolution.
While it may surprise some who see this referenced on the Indiana page, a
significant percentage of these families subsequently migrated to southern Indiana,
particularly to Daviess County. For more information about this project, please
see our Kentucky Catholics page.
Washington, Indiana Sesquicentennial
This 1966
publication (around 80 pages with abundant photographs) provides quite a
comprehensive history of this Daviess County community and its inhabitants.
It contains lists of people, photos of people and places,
and lots of ads of sponsoring organizations. As one of the areas into which many of the Maryland Catholics who migrated to
Kentucky ultimately ended up, this download will be of special interest.
Download now in PDF format for $5.00.
The Harmony Society at Economy, PA
from Communistic Societies of the United States, by Charles Nordhoff (1875).
Many living today perceive the “flower power” communes of the 1960s as something
new and different in America. To the contrary, the United States has a long
tradition of communes of various types, and Nordhoff made a study of them,
visiting many of them of his era. While the communes
of the 1960s differed from those of a century and more
earlier in philosophical underpinnings, in both centuries
they were considered quite novel and more than a little
scandalous. This download is listed under Indiana as
well as Pennsylvania since this sect had a substantial
settlement in Indiana prior to their removal to
Pennsylvania. See our
Pennsylvania page for more information about this
publication. (See also our "New Harmony, an
Experiment in Socialism" item below.)
New Harmony, an Experiment in Socialism
from The Hoosiers,
by Meredith Nicholson (1900).
The Hoosiers
was an effort by Nicholson to “give some hint of the forces
that have made for cultivation in Indiana.” His intent was
evaluation of the state’s performance in literature, but he
found that this was closely tied to the history of the
state, particularly its settlement. Robert Owens’ socialist
community at New Harmony, in Posey County, was clearly one
of the more important parts of this process, in Nicholson’s
view of things; important enough to merit an entire chapter
by itself – reproduced here. (For more about the
Harmony Society, please see Nordhoff's material about them
on our Pennsylvania page).
Download the 35+ page chapter from The Hoosiers about
New Harmony now in PDF format for $3.75.
Indiana and Her People
from The Hoosiers, by
Meredith Nicholson (1900). Also includes the
introduction and table of contents of this volume.
This chapter traces the history of Indiana, particularly
sources of in-migration and social and intellectual thought
in the state. He lays the groundwork in this chapter for
his exposition of the nature of “the Hoosier” found in
subsequent chapters, and discusses some of the literary
lights of the state. 40+ pages, PDF format, temporarily
offered as a free download. Please
Of Richmond High School, Richmond, IN, for 1913
Please note that
this early high school yearbook was published in what we now
call landscape format, so we’ve done the same in this
republication of it. Also note that pages 127 – 130 were
missing from the original. The missing pages appear to have
been part of a section called “Backward Cases” that seems to
have consisted, from the one remaining page of that section,
of photographs of couples (romantic, we assume). The pages
are missing completely, and the binding undisturbed, so the
possibility remains that they were removed before
publication. Conversely, perhaps they were removed by an
earlier owner of the yearbook due to so circumstance as a
failed romance. Lacking a reference copy of the yearbook
we’ve no way of knowing. The portions of the yearbook
normally deemed “important” a century later (the senior
photos and summaries, the sports teams, the musical and
other organizations, the faculty) are all present and
intact. 136+ pages, in PDF format (landscape orientation),
download now for $4.25.
We own the following Indiana material and
will publish it shortly:
Washington, Indiana: program for "Washington on Parade"
An eight page program for the
"Washington on Parade" historical spectacle that was enacted during
early October 1966 under professional direction. Lots and
lots of names.
We will be offering this item as an
The Hoosiers,
by Meredith Nicholson (1900)
This volume, part of a series called
National Studies in American Letters, is a bit of literary criticism, state
and local history, and social history all rolled into a single volume.
We are currently adding chapters from this volume (see above). The
table of contents and the first chapter are currently a free download, and
the chapter about New Harmony is also available. Other chapters
will be offered depending on interest.