Suffield, CT: history
The Suffield: Quarter Millennial PLUS CD-ROM of documents of historical and genealogical interest from and about the Town of Suffield, Hartford County, CT, has been discontinued as we phase out our CD business, but we are in the progress of bringing you the contents of the CD as individual downloads. A few of the items are quite rare. Suffield: Quarter Millennial. This combination of town history, program for the 250th anniversary celebration, and compendium of lists of information about the town, all with our new index, was once the centerpiece of the discontinued Suffield CD-ROM, and now it is available as a download. 253 pages, plus our new index, for a total of 309 pages, in PDF format, download now for $4.75.
Originally published 1921 by the authority of
the General Executive Committee.
We have scanned and indexed this 253 page book of history (text and pictures) as the original book contained no index at all, although the book
contains a wealth of names
which should be of particular interest to people researching family history and
genealogy in
the Suffield area. We think our index is a major improvement. Indexing
took a long time, and we appreciate your patience -- and the
encouragement you gave us -- while we slogged through the process! Please
The book is a wonderful historical compendium not only of what happened at Suffield's 250th anniversary (including the programs for the Suffield Pageant, the Hostess House, and other portions of the celebration -- we've seen these small sections of this book selling in the $15 - $35 range on eBay recently), but also lists of Suffield veterans of all wars through World War I, a lengthy history of Suffield (it's interesting that Suffield was in its early years part of Massachusetts), specifics about many of Suffield's stock of great old houses, the Suffield School (formerly the Connecticut Literary Institution), local businesses, professionals, and organizations, and a wealth of other minutiae that would be impossible to assemble today. The book includes many historical photographs, both of individuals and of buildings. We've included the photos in their original places in the book, but have also included them separately as high-resolution scans for those who wish to reproduce them and perhaps frame them. The 1948 Sagitta, the yearbook of Suffield High School. This historical volume contains 56 pages with abundant photographs, plus many autographs. We've developed a list of the surnames that appear in this volume and are happy to provide it here for your reference. READY NOW!! SEE BELOW FOR DOWNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS! |
Surnames appearing in the 1948 Sagitta |
Anderson Atkinson Austin Babb Barnett Bednaz Bell Beneski Beresford Biggerstaff Bishop Blakesly Bond Brigham Brockett Brome Brown Burt Buynicki Cabelus Cain Caldwell Cannon Carron Casinghino Censki Chagnon Coates Coffman Colson Convey Cooley Coulter Cruse Czerpak D'Amato Davis |
Dexter Donlon Donnelly Drake Drenzek Edmonds Egan Fahey Falkowski Fay Fetko Feuer Fitch Fleming Frary Fuller Galetta Gallant Ganley Garabee Gardner Gardocki Goodrich Grabowicz Greenleaf Hambleton Hawkins Haynes Hinckley Horanzy Ineson Jackson Janik Jolidon Jones Jurkowski Kaplan |
Kelly Kennett Klemazewski Klimaszewski Knox Kopernik Kosinski Kotoski Kozikowski Kraiza Krause Krayeski Kulas Lill Loomis Loring Martin Martinez McAlister McAllister McCarthy McGuire Miller Montgomery Morse Murphy Nitch Noble Nodwell Novak O'Toole Orr Paczosa Penney Phelon Phelps Phillips |
Poirer Radziewski Rapacki Richey Ridel Romano Root Roseberg Roy Russell Samsel Sasali Seymour Sheehan Sheldon Sheridan Sisson Spaulding Spencer Stelmack Sullivan Thresher Tobin Wagner Washington Waterman Welt Winarski Winiarski Wood Young Zak Zavista Zavisza Zera Zukowski |
You can now get the 1948 Sagitta as a convenient download! 62 pages, in PDF format, download now for $3.75 |
Surnames appearing in the 1924-1925 Year Book and Church Directory of the First Church of Christ, Congregational, Suffield |
Adams Ahrens Alcorn Alfano Allen Archer Austin Barker Barnett Barton Bawn Bean Beaumont Behnke Belfit Bell Bessett Biggerstaff Boedeker Bowker Brockett Brown Burbank Busher Caldwell Campbell Chandler Chapel Chapell Chaplin Childs Clark Cline Cone Cook Cooney Corrigan Couch Coulter Cramer Crane Creelman Culver Cusick Dempsey |
Devotion Dickerson Doyle Drake Dupont Edwards Eagleson Eastman Edwards Fairfield Fitch Fleck Fuller Gay Gibbs Gillette Goldfarb Goodacre Goodale Greenwood Greer Guy Hastings Hamilton Harmon Hazard Hemenway Henshaw Herera Hill Holcomb Hones Hope Horton Hubbard Humason Hyde Jones Kearns Kehoe Kellogg Kelsey Kennedy Kent King |
Knox Lane Leach Leary Lees Light Link Lockwood Long Longo Loomis Luce Ludden Mainment Malcolm Mann Martinez Mason Mather McCann McComb McCord Meade Merrell Merrill Michel Miller Milligan Mix Montgomery Morrison Moulton Nicholson Noyes Orr Osborn Outerson Parks Pease Peckham Perrin Phelps Pierce Pinney Plunkett Pomeroy |
Prann Reid Rich Rising Roach Robertson Robinson Rogers Ruggles Russell Sansouci Saunders Scott Seymour Shaddie Sikes Smith Somplatski Spellman Spencer Staples Stedman Stiles Stratton Street Strout Sutton Symington Taylor Turner Tyler Wahlenburg Wales Walz Washburn Watson Weinstein Wells Wetherell Wetherill Whipple Whitley Whitman Woodworth Younglove |
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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury. Questions about us or about our products? Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page. |