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Connecticut miscellany
The Tories of Connecticut from the Connecticut Quarterly, Volume IV (1898). It did not take much to be considered a Tory during the times of the American Revolution -- being committed to maintaining the status quo was really the only requirement to be categorized as such. As a consequence, Connecticut had many, many people who fell in this category. This article provides background information about Connecticut's Tories and what it meant to be one. 16 pages, in PDF format, download now for $4.00
Connecticut at the Atlanta Exposition, from the Connecticut Quarterly, Volume II (1896). Connecticut participated in this "Cotton States Exposition" in 1895, a very few years after the far better known Columbian Exposition. This article provides insights into the exposition and Connecticut as it saw itself at the time. Includes numerous photographs. 17+ pages, PDF format, download now for $4.50.
Connecticut’s Soldiery from the Connecticut Quarterly, Volume III (1897)The article, written sufficient years after the end of the Civil War that first-hand memories of Army life have faded for the most part, discusses the Connecticut National Guard as 1900 and a century of new warfare looms. Charles W. Burpee describes garrison life during “summer camp” in peacetime and provides a bit of history of the Connecticut Militia, nee Trainband, as well as making a case for the more serious nature of the Connecticut Guard at that point in time. 12+ pages, PDF format, download now for $4.00.
Connecticut and Virginia a Century Ago from the Connecticut Quarterly, Volume III (1897). Connecticut people of the time may have been called “nutmeggers” due to shady business practices, but James N. Granger writes here of the fleecing that Virginia land entrepreneurs inflicted on Connecticut investors back in the years just following the Revolution. Clearly a decent quantity of Connecticut money was left behind in Virginia and West Virginia! 15+ pages, PDF format, download now for $4.50.
New Connecticut -- The Western Reserve from Volume II (1896) and Volume III (1897) of the Connecticut Quarterly . See our Ohio page for more information.
Convention Troops in Connecticut -- some Revolutionary War history from the Connecticut Quarterly (1897). Of particular interest to those studying the Norfolk CT area. 6+ pages, PDF format, $3.50.
Copper Mining in Connecticut -- an 1897 article from the Connecticut Quarterly. See our copper industry page for more information.
The Settlement of the Connecticut Towns, by Dorothy Deming and "C. M. A.", pamphlet #6 from the Tercentenary Commission of the State of CT (1933). (Note that Litchfield County towns are not included in this study.) 75+ pages. Download now in PDF format, $5.00.
The History of Anaesthesia, from the Connecticut Quarterly, Volume 1 (1895). The claim that Connecticut was the birthplace of modern medical anesthesia is an interesting one, carefully argued in this article. 11+ pages, PDF format, download now for $3.50.
Typography and Printing in Connecticut -- from the Connecticut Quarterly, Volume II (1896). Originally titled "A Typographical Galaxy," this article documents another area in which Connecticut was a leader. 18+ pages, PDF format, download now for $4.75.
The Financial Institutions of Connecticut in 1917 -- from the State of Connecticut Register and Manual for 1917. This compilation of financial institutions includes national banks, state banks, trust companies, Morris Plan banks, investment companies, building and loan associations, savings banks, fire insurance companies, life insurance companies, miscellaneous insurance companies, and mutual fire insurance companies. Dry stuff indeed – unless viewed in the context of the times. The United States was entering World War I, and the world of finance and insurance was subject to little regulation. Some will find this useful in identifying local financial institutions in various Connecticut localities as well. 37+ pages, in PDF format, download now for $4.50.
Delegates' Reports: CT Board of Agriculture (1869) -- The volume from which this selection is taken is a series of articles about various agricultural techniques in use in Connecticut in 1869, as well as surveys of such topics as fertilizers, pests, diseases of plants and animals, and such statewide. However, this selection, a series of reports from County Agricultural Board Delegates, primarily about agricultural expositions in their own counties, is a wonderful bit of local history. There is a report for each Connecticut county (several reports for some counties that had multiple agricultural societies), primarily about agricultural expositions, the ancestor, we suppose, of the more general county fair where the scope move beyond and away from exhibition of agricultural products to entertainment of the fairgoer. In an age when a substantial citizen considered “farmer” to be a worthy occupational title (even if he was in real life a banker or manufacturer or merchant), one sees in these reports the names of figures in politics and business exhibiting livestock and other agricultural produce. In reading this selection, names thus appear in unfamiliar contexts. As an example, at the Union Agricultural Society exposition in Falls Village, one sees US Senator William H. Barnum exhibiting horses along with his business partner, Milo Barnum Richardson. Those with interests in other areas of the state will no doubt find other leading local citizens in their agricultural roles. Samuel Colt exhibiting his Jersey cows at the Hartford County Exposition is an example. 34 pages, in PDF format, download for $4.00. |
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