Winchester/Winsted CT history
"Annals and Family Records of Winchester, Conn." is available!! |
Annals of Winchester, Conn.,
by John Boyd, originally published in 1873, (643+ pages) is the definitive history of
Winchester and Winsted, CT. (For anyone unclear about the geography: Winchester is the township within which Winsted is located. We get asked that question so frequently that it's worth saying it right up front.) The author (his picture is above; click it to see a larger image) spent 15 years documenting the entire history of the township (and the Borough of Winsted within it) from earliest times up through the centennial that was held in 1871. His topics range from the original division of the Township and its (eventual) settlement all the way to the specifics of the industries of Winsted in 1873. He documents the settlers individually through the 1820s, generally noting where they came from, customarily describing their life while residents, and often listing their spouses and children. Additionally, he frequently tells where people who left the township went (the Vernon area of Oneida County, NY, was one locale to which many Winchester families were drawn, for example). Boyd provides detailed histories of the churches of Winchester and the Town's involvement in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. Also included are accounts of the political and geographic disagreements through the years, the effects of some of which are still evident in the Township today. Part of the Winchester story is the history of technology in the area, and this is included as well.
Between the Lakes Group frequently re-indexes books we republish. One excellent reason is that indexes in old history and genealogy books are often incomplete at best and misleading at worst. However, Boyd did, for his times, a superb job of indexing. The more we work with the book the more impressed we are at the attention to detail he devoted to his indexes -- an uncommon place to devote much care in those days, unfortunately. Boyd's 643 pages include three indices (an index of names, an index of settlers, and an index of subjects), and all seem unusually complete. We did find lacking an index of locations (towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets) that would be very useful today in locating sites in Winchester and Winsted and in tracing in- and out-migrations. We believe that we have added considerable value by creating a brand new index of locations. Prediction: people who THOUGHT they had researched this book will find whole new family connections. You can view THE FULL NEW PLACE NAME INDEX on this website. It is also included in the downloadable file.A somewhat peculiar omission in Boyd's book was a Table of Contents. It seems like a small thing, and it's curious that he would not include one. We have remedied that, too. Because it's helpful in understanding the scope of the book, you can check the Table of Contents we created here, too, if you wish.
To facilitate checking to see if this book is ultimately of interest to you, we also summarize the indexes Boyd provided on this page. See below. (We eliminated page numbers in this section to save space and make the indexes less cumbersome to use on-line). |
THANKS to Editor Michael Marciano and
The Winsted
Journal for their very supportive article about this project!
In the same issue that reported Winsted native Ralph Nader's now historic decision to
again seek the Presidency on page one, the Journal gave republication of
"Annals of Winchester" the entire first page of their second section!
Here's their headline: "A Treasured Work Transferred to Compact
Disc" -- and the first paragraph reads:
Boyd's Index of "Settlers and Inhabitants Specially Noted with their Family Records".(The names in Boyd's separate "Index of Names" (actually, surnames) follows this list. Many surnames appear in the book that are NOT included in the list immediately below.) |
Ackley, Levi Adams, Mathew Adkins, James Agard, Aaron Agard, Jos. Allen, John Albro, Daniel Alvord, David Alvord, Eliphaz Alvord, James H. Alvord, John Alvord, Jonathan Alvord, Ruel Andrews, Abm Sen. Andrews, Theophilus Andrews, Abm, Jr. Andrews, Ens. Dan. Andrews, Eli Andrews, Major Lloyd Andrews, Dan'l Jr. Andrews, Elijah Apley, Josiah Arnold, Stephen Avered, Capt. Josiah Austin, David Austin, David, Jr. Austin, John
Bacon, Francis John Bailey, Theodore Balcom, John Jr. Balcom, Jonathan Balcom, Nathaniel Balcom, Elias Baldwin, Samuel W. Baldwin, Norman Baldwin, Reuben Barbour, William Barnstable, Wm. Bartlett, Samuel Bassett, Leonard Beach, Adna Beach, Caleb Beach, Caleb (2) Beach, Fisk Beach, Horace V. Beach, Joel Beach, John Beach, Rev. James Beckley, Daniel Norris Beckley, Richard Beebe, James Beebe, David Benedict, Capt. Benj. Benedict, Capt. Timothy Benedict, Elijah Benedict, John Benedict, Timothy Jr. Benedict, Timothy (3) Benedict, Za'mon Bishop, Harry Bishop, Leverett Bishop, Seth Blackman, J. P. Blackman, Nathan Blackman, Peter Blackman, Truman Blake, Elijah Blake, Jonathan Blake, Harry Blake, Ithuel Blake, Allen Boyd, James Boyd, James M. Boyd, John Boyd, Samuel Boyd, Thomas Boggs, Rev. P.V. Bragg, James Bronson, Asahel Bronson, Abijah P. Bronson, Benoni Bronson, Col. Ozias Bronson, Dea. Levi Bronson, Isaac Bronson, Levi Bronson, Ozias Jr. Bronson, Salmon Brooks, Asaph B. Brooks, Samuel Brooks, Chauncey Broughton, Nathan Bull, Merritt Bull, Thomas R. Bunnell, Eliab Bunnell, William Burnham, Daniel Burr, Allen Burr, Jehiel Burr, Salmon Burr, Erastus Burr, Halsey Burr, Roswell Burton, John Butrick, Cyrus Byington, Jesse
Camp, Moses Camp, Samuel Cannon, Thomas Cannon, Timothy Carpenter, Bemsley Case, Asher Case, Wm. R. Castel, Elijah Castel, William Caul, Charles C. Caul, William Chamberlin, Wm. Jr. Chamberlin, Wm. Sr. Champion, Nathan Chase, Dudley Chase, Gedeliah Chase, George Chase, Reuben Chickley, William Church, Hiram Church, John Church, Jonathan Church, Uri Cleveland, James C. Cleveland, Orrin Clark, Daniel Clark, Samuel Clark, Uzal Clarke, Jesse Clarke, Lemuel Clarke, Lucius Clarke, Nathan W. Coe, Asahel Coe, Daniel Coe, David Coe, Eben Coe, James R. Coe, Jehiel Coe, Jon. Coe, Jonathan Coe, Nelson D. Coe, Oliver Coe, Robert Coe, Roger Colt, Richard Cone, Daniel H. Cone, Samuel Cone, Warren Cook, Aaron Cook, Anson Cook, Joseph Cook, Reuben Cook, Shubael Cook Urijah Corbin, Peter Corbin, Peter Jr. Corbin, Daniel Crissey, David Crissey, Israel Crissey, Preserved Crocker, James Crocker, Wm. Crowe, Henry B. Crum, William Curtis, Jared
Davis, William Dayton, Archibald Deer, John Deer, Jonathan Dodge, Joseph Derby, John DeWolf, Benjamin DeWolf, Daniel Doolittle, Jesse Doolittle, Jesse Jr. Doolittle, Lyman Doolittle, Zera Douglass, Israel Drake, Moses Drake, Rufus Dunham, Jonathan Dudley, George Dutton, Nath.
Eggleston, Daniel Elmer, Hezekiah Elmore, Joseph R. Elmore, Nathaniel Everitt, Andrew Everitt, Dr. Josiah Everitt, Elihu Everitt, Josiah Everitt, Noble J. Everitt, Rev. Noble |
Fay, Timothy Fay, Wm. Fay, Thaddeus Filley, Wm. Filley, Abraham Filley, Remembrance Forbes, Daniel Ford, Harvey Frisbie, Joseph Frisbie, Elijah Frisbie, Eli Fyler, Silas Fyler, Roman Fyler, Stephen, Jr.
Gaylord, Henry L. Gaylord, Nathaniel B. Gaylord, Stephen Gibbs, Warham Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Samuel D. Gleason, Noah Gleason, Samuel D. Goff, David Goodwin, Theodore Goodwin, Russell Goucher, William Grant, Roswell Grant, Miles Grinnell, Michael Grinnell, Rufus Grinnell, Jasper Griswold, Matthew Griswold, Phineas Griswold, Phineas Jr. Griswold, Roswell Griswold, Seth Grover, Daniel Grover, Timothy
Hall, Gideon Hale, James Hall, John B. Hall, Reuben Hall, Sylvester Handee, Barzillai Handee, Clemons Handee, Cyrenus Hart, Lewis Hart, Luke Hart, Samuel Hart, Selah Hart, Stephen Hart, Willard Hatch, Zepheniah Hatch, Moses Hawley, Eleazer Hawley, Salmon Hawley, Samuel Hayden, Moses Hayden, Samuel Hayden, Seth Hewitt, Joshua Higley, Horace Hill, Wait Hills, Benomi Hills, Beria Hills, Chauncey Hills, Hewitt Hills, Ira Hills, John Hills, Seth Hinsdale, Bissell Hinsdale, Elizur Hinsdale, Hosea Hinsdale, Theodore Hoadley, Samuel Hoadley, Luther Holabird, Wm. S. Holcomb, Luther Holmes, David Holmes, Everett C. Holmes, Ezra Holmes, Joseph Holmes, Rufus Holmes, Seth Holmes, Willard Horton, Jesse Hoskin, Joseph Jr. Hoskin, Joseph Sr. Hoskin, Silas Hosmer, Thomas Jr. Hoyt, Micajah Hoyt, Nathaniel Hoyt, Zeri W. Hubbard, Elijah Hubbell, Luman Hubbell, Sillman Humphrey, Augustus Humphrey, Chauncey Hungerford, Reuben Hurlbut, Capt. Samuel Hurlbut, Erastus G. Hurlbut, Joseph W. Hurlbut, Lemuel Hurlbut, Leonard Hurlbut, Martin Hurlbut, Samuel Jr. Hurlbut, Simeon Hurlbut, Stephen Jacklyn, Isaac Jenkins, Benjamin Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Isaac Jopp, John Judd, Benjamin
Kellogg, Eleaser Keyes, William Kimberly, Jacob, Sr. Kimberly, Jacob, Jr. Kingsbury, Geo. Kirkum, Philemon Kinney, Rev. Aaron Kinney, Sheldon Kinney, Nisus Knapp, Rev. Joshua Knowlton, Stephen
Leach, Alex Leach, William Lemly, Solomon Loomis, Simeon Loomis, Ichabod Loomis, Thaddeus Loomis, Arphaxad Loomis, Abiel Loomis, Alanson Loomis, Ichabod Jr. Loomis, Daniel Loomis, Epaphras Loomis, Dea. Lorrain Loomis, Arab. Loomis, Wait Loomis, Oliver Loomis, Asher Loomis, Aaron Lucas, John Lyon, Christopher
McAlpine, John McAlpine, Silas H. McEwen, Gershom McEven, Rev. Abel McEwen, Robert McEven, Robert (2) McEwen, Samuel Maltbie, John Mallory, Amass Mallory, Asa Mallory, Elisha Jr. Mallory, Elisha Sr. Marble, David Mars, Jupiter Marsh, Rev. Frederick Marshall, John Marshall, Daniel Marshall, Reuben Merriam, William Merry, Cornelius Miller, Asahel Miller, Joseph Miller, Lewis Miller, Sheldon Mills, Chauncey Mills, David Miner, John Miner, Phineas Miner, Reuben Miner, William Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, Selden Moore, Dr. Aaron Moore, Simeon Jr. Mott, Adam Mott, Jonathan Mott, Adam Jr. Mott, Lent Mott, Lent Jr. Mott, Loammi Munsill, Zacheus Munson, Caleb Munson, Hermon Murray, David Murray, Daniel Murray, Ammi Murray, William
Nash, John Nash, Alva North, Martin North, Martin Jr. North, Rufus Norton, Levi Norton, Levi (2)
Oakley, Hawley Oakley, Alvah |
Palmer, Enoch Palmer, Ambrose Palmer, Solomon Parks, Nathaniel Parks, Jonathan Pease, Asaph Persons, Alpheus Persons, Timothy Phelps, Benj. Frederick Phelps, Daniel Sr. Phelps, Daniel Jr. Phelps, Lancelot Pinney, Elijah Platt, Daniel Platt, Joseph Platt, Levi Platt, Sylvester Platt, Levi Jr. Porter, Eleazer Potter, Daniel Potter, Phineas Potter, Sheldon Pratt, Andrew Preston, Ebenezer Preston, Benjamin Preston, Joseph Preston, Samuel Priest, Philip
Reynolds, Horace Rice, Daniel Richards, Eli Riley, John C. Roberts, George Roberts, Joel Roberts, Samuel Rockwell, Alpha Rockwell, B. B. Rockwell, Edward Rockwell, Elihu Rockwell, Henry E. Rockwell, John T. Rockwell, Samuel Rockwell, Solomon Rogers, Jonathan Rogers, Simeon Rohrabacker, John Root, Roger Root, Gurdon Rowley, Alpha Rowley, Asher Rowley, Ebenezer Rowley, Elias Rowley, Reuben Rowley, Samuel Rowley, Stephen Russell, Giles Russell, Nathaniel
Sanford, Henry Sanford, William Schovil, Stephen Scovill, Reuben Seymour, Jacob Seymour, John Seymour, Truman Shattuck, Randall Shaw, John Shepard, Didymus Shepard, Ebenezer Shepard, James Skinner, Benjamin Skinner, Isaac Smith, Asahel Smith, Chauncey Smith, Eleazer Smith, Elisha Smith, Elisha Esq. Smith, Heman Smith, Josiah Smith, Oliver Smith, Riley Smith, Theodore Smith, Zebina Soper, Chester Spencer, Elisha Spencer, Grinnell Spencer, John Spencer, Norman Spencer, Ozias Spencer, Stephen Spencer, Thomas Spencer, Thomas (2) Stanclift, Comfort Stanclift, Samuel Stannard, Abel Stannard, Ezra Stannard, Lemuel Stannard, Seth Stannard, William Starkweather, Elijah Starkweather, Roger Storer, John Strong, David Strong, Edwin M. Strong, Lyman Sweet, James Sweet, John Sweet, Jonathan Sweet, Peleg Sweet, Reuben Swift, Zephaniah
Talcott, Wm. O. Tallmadge, David Taylor, Eliud Taylor, Silas Thayer, Wheelock Thompson, Dan Thompson, Elijah Thompson, Samuel Thrall, Reuben Thrall, Erastus Tibbals, Abel Tibbals, Nathan Tolles, Amos Treat, Salmon Tucker, Reuben Tucker, Isaac Turrell, Darius Tuttle, Geo. Tuttle, Daniel G.
Videto, John, Sr. Videto, John, Jr.
Wade, Amasa Wade, Stephen Wade, Isaac Wade, Stephen Wade, Amasa, Jr. Wakefield, Luman Walter, John Walter, Lemuel Walter, Andrew Walter, Daniel Ward, David Waterman, Wm. Jr. Wells, Asahel West, David Jr. West, Judah Westlake, Samuel Westlake, William Westlake, John Westlake, Thomas Wetmore, Abel Wetmore, Abel S. Wetmore, John Wetmore, Seth Wetmore, Samuel Wetmore, Samuel Jr. Wetmore, John (4) Wetmore, John 2nd. Wetmore, Sam'l H. Wetmore, Samuel (2) Wetmore, Truman S. Wheadon, Solomon Wheadon, Stephen Wheeler, Benjamin Wheeler, Isaac Wheeler, Nathan White, Daniel White, Oliver Jr. White, Oliver Sr. Whiting, Benjamin Whiting, Christopher Whiting, Lorrin Whiting, Riley Wilcox, Daniel Wilcoxson, Elisha Wilcoxson, Gideon Wilkinson, Jesse Wilkinson, Lewis Wilkinson, Levi Wilkinson, Miles Williams, Jesse Wilson, Abijah Wilson, Abijah Jr. Wilson, Daniel B. Wilson, Nelson Wilson, Reynold Wilson, Zenas Woodford, Benjamin B. Woodford, E. Sterling Woodford, Erastus Woodford, Ezekiel Woodford, Ezekiel Jr. Woodford, Lester Woodford, Lucius J. Woodruff, Hawkins Woodruff, Jonah Wright, Charles Wright, Freedom Wright, Joel Wright, John Jr. Wright, Justus Wright, Lt. John Wright, Norton Wright, Samuel |
Names listed in Boyd's Index of Surnames |
Abbott Abby Abernathy Abrew Abro Ackley Adams Adkins Agard Albert Albro Alden Aldridge Alexander Allen Alvord Ames Anderson Andrews Andros Andrus Apley Areularius Armstrong Arnold Ashley Atkins Atwater Atwood Ausbon Austin Avered Averet Averit Avret Ayrault
Daley |
Earne Easton Eaton Eddy Edgecomb Edwards Eels Eggleston Eldridge Ellsworth Elmer Elmore Elwell Emerson Emmons Eno Ensign Evans Evarts Everett Everitt Evitts F. Miss 5 Gage Haggarty Irving Jacklyn Keegan Laird Mackune |
Nash Neal Nearing Neth Nevins Newell Newman Newton Noble Norcross North Northrup Northway Norton Oakley Race Packard Quigley Sacket Talcott Utley Vaill
Wade Yale |
Be sure to check the new
index of place names appearing in
Boyd's Annals of Winchester that we prepared for this CD-ROM
(included in the downloadable file as well).
![]() Question: Is this about Winsted, CT, too?Answer: Definitely. Winsted is a city (called a Borough in Boyd's time) located within the Town of Winchester. Although Boyd elects to deal with "Old Society" Winchester separately from the Borough of Winsted ("Winsted Society"), each gets roughly half the book. The same kind of information (who came, when they came, where they came from, what they did when they were in Winchester/Winsted, when they left, where they went when the left, and who their children -- in some cases grandchildren --were) is present in abundance for both rural Winchester and more urban Winsted.
Question: When will this CD-ROM be available?Answer: The
CD, priced at $20.00, is no longer available. We now offer Annals of
Winchester as a downloadable file at a major price reduction.
Question: Does Between the Lakes Group publish material about Litchfield County, CT? About other locations?Answer: Yes to both. We've republished several about Litchfield County and its localities. Particularly see the Winchester/Winsted page to begin with, but here are some other Litchfield County localities: "Scrap Book of North Canaan" (as well as some records from the old Pilgrim Church in North Canaan).
"New Milford: 230 Years" (which includes Two Centuries of New Milford as well as other material).
"Lime Rock: an Illustrated Walking Tour" (history -- Lime Rock was the capital of a national industrial corporation and the home of a US Senator who was Chairman of the National Democratic Party at one time -- and pictures and ephemera) "The Clergy of Litchfield County" (Arthur Goodenough's classic about the history of religion, churches, and clergy in a county where all counted for very much.)
"The History of Litchfield" (White's compendium of the history of that township.
We also have a number of shorter books and articles about Litchfield County available for download, and downloads currently available about other locations as well.
Question: My budget is limited. How expensive is the Winchester/Winsted download?Answer:
It is priced at $4.50.
Question: I would like to exchange e-mails and post queries about the history and genealogy of the Town of Winchester and the City of Winsted. Any suggestions?Answer:
for asking! At Between the Lakes Group, when we mount a local history project
we usually create an e-group about the project and the subject at "Yahoo!Groups".
These e-mail groups are free, and some that we have started are very
popular. One such group we established has over 130 members and
there are usually numerous posts each day. Others have only a handful of
members and there are relatively few posts. We have created an e-group for
Winchester and Winsted. If you would like to join the group -- and you can leave at any
time -- simply
Question: I don't like books on computer. Can I get this book in printed form?Answer: While original copies of Annals of Winchester, CT are not common they do occasionally turn up. We located the copy we reprinted in preparing the CD in a rare book store some time ago. Prices of rare books change frequently and are based on many factors, including condition. Annals was also reprinted in paperback a few years ago. We have not seen the paperback edition and cannot comment on it in terms of quality or completeness. The most recent price we have seen listed for the paperback reprint was $47.00 plus shipping and handling. Note that you may also find Annals of Winchester available as a free download from various sites providing this valuable service. Please consider, however, that these free downloads do NOT include the index of place names, and are lower resolution page images than the download we provide. |
Don't miss the main Winsted/Winchester page!
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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury. Questions about us or about our products? Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page. |