We currently offer two publications about the history of the Town of Litchfield, the county seat of Litchfield County, Connecticut.
Now available:
Litchfield from Volume II (1896) of the Connecticut Quarterly. This article, combining local history, material about the community as it was at the time the article was written, and several photographs, is available as a download. 16+ pages, PDF format, download now for $3.75.
History of Litchfield, by Alain C. White (1920), with our own complete index. Available as a download. Please click here to see the page about White's History of Litchfield.
Litchfield Book of Days, By George C. Boswell (1899). Litchfield has seemingly always enjoyed good press. From local writers such as Harriet Beecher Stowe to the present example, the place seems to have a literary bent, and a fair amount of the output has been dedicated to celebrating the more socially prominent members of that community. This book, which is set up to take every day of the year and assign an historic event involving Litchfielders to it, is an interesting variation on the theme. There is history here, to be sure, but it is larded among the anecdotes of the community’s upper class. An interesting conceit: at the end of the text and before the advertisements are a series of twelve blank pages, each headed with a month, so that the reader whose family was insufficiently prominent to have a date assigned to one of its own events, can insert dates that are meaningful to them. The advertisements as the end are interesting: one cannot find any of the names that appear in the ads mentioned in the text! The book contains many photographs and other illustrations and we're quite pleased with how well they reproduce. This title is also listed in our Americana and Social History section because of what the nature of the book implicitly says about the social context of Litchfield. Fascinating reading!! 291+ pages, in PDF format. Download now for $7.50.
The Haven of Litchfield, an article by Henry L. Shepherd, appears in The Lure of the Litchfield Hills - Volume XX, no. 3, Winter 1960.
Sixty Years with Plymouth Church by Stephen M. Griswold (1907). This Brooklyn Heights church, always highly independent in its attitudes, grew from the Puritan movement in New England, and its early members were transplanted New Englanders. Its first preacher was Litchfield, CT-born Henry Ward Beecher, who was noted as a great orator and was certainly a charismatic personality. One is tempted to consider Plymouth Church as an early example of what today we would call a megachurch, so large was its membership and so widespread its influence, especially in areas outside those normally relegated to churches. The book is largely biography of Beecher. More information is on our Kings County, NY page. |
Coming soon: |
We continue to seek Litchfield -- and Litchfield County -- material to publish. Check back often! |
We've just found a blog of Litchfield history that features what you can see of that history today. It's an excellent piece of work, and worth subscribing to (we do!). The author is a social studies teacher at nearby Housatonic Valley Regional High School, and he's good! Take a look at http://hiddeninplainsightblog.com |
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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut. More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury. Questions about us or about our products? Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page. |